A Satellite View
Africa’s Size # Second largest continent 11,700,000 sq. mi. # 10% of the world’s population. # 2 ½ times the size of the U. S. 5000MILES5000MILES M I L E S
Bodies Of Water Traveling down rivers is difficult. Why? Nile River Congo River Zambezi River Niger River Orange River Limpopo River Mediterranean Sea Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean Red Sea L. Victoria L. Albert--> L. Chad--> L. Tanganyika-> <--Gulf of Aden
The Mighty Nile River: “Longest River in the World”
The Sahara Desert: Why was it difficult to travel through it?
The Sahel
Great Rift Valley 3,000 miles long
Africa: The “Tropical” Continent Tropic of Cancer 20° N Tropic of Capricorn 20° S Equator 0°
African Trade Winds
Vegetation Zones
The African Savannah: 13 million sq. mi.
African Rain Forest # Annual rainfall of up to 17 ft. # Rapid decomposition (very humid). # Covers 37 countries. # 15% of the land surface of Africa.
Mt. Kilimanjaro: Snow on the Equator?
The Complete Topography Of AFRICA Nile River Congo River Zambezi River Niger River Orange River Limpopo River Mediterranean Sea Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean Red Sea L. Victoria L. Albert--> L. Chad--> L. Tanganyika-> <--Gulf of Aden Drajensburg Mts. Ruwenzori Mts. Δ Mt. Kenya Δ Mt. Kilimanjaro Sahara Desert Sahel Kalahari Desert Namib Desert Libyan Desert Great Rift Valley Atlas Mts. Tropic of Cancer 20° N Tropic of Capricorn 20° S Equator 0°
Natural Resources
Pre-Historic Africa
Bantu Migrations: 1000 BCE To 500 CE
Bantu Migration: Agrarian societies that originated in West Africa Settled along River and Lakes. Why? Produced Yams, Oil Palms, Millet and Sorghum. Stateless or Segmentary Societies. (not a Bureaucracy) Clan based villages. They governed themselves mostly through families and kinship groups in the post-classical era. What problems do they begin to face?
Bantu Migration Continued Why did they begin to migrate South and East? Population pressure Spread of Agriculture Use of Iron tools. Bananas migrate from East Asia and are able to grow in forest regions where yams would not grow. Result? Taking with them the Bantu Language which differentiated over time.