Activity Word Contest Word Tips
Activity Word Contest
Work in pairs to come up with as many related words as possible for each of the following categories and see which pair gets the most. Procedures Activity
Procedures Activity a.a kind of crime: murder b.people involved in crime: criminal c.action related to court: sentence Reference
Procedures Activity d.method of punishment: death penalty e.method of executing death penalty: electric chair Reference
a. burglary; robbery; shoplifting; smuggling; kidnapping; extortion; assault; sexual harassment; hijacking Reference
rape; terrorism; blackmail; drug- trafficking; forgery; pickpocketing; mugging Reference
b. murderer; burglar; robber; shoplifter; smuggler; kidnapper; accuser; victim; defender; defendant; suspect; culprit; killer Reference
accomplice; prosecutor; witness; intruder; hijacker; rapist; terrorist; blackmailer; drug-trafficker; forger; pickpocket; mugger Reference
c. capital punishment; life sentence; imprisonment; suspended sentence; probation; community service Reference
d. hanging; gas chamber; lethal injection; bullet; electrocution Reference
Work in groups and try to give creative punishments to the following wrongdoers. Remember you are not entitled to put people into prison. Activity
Let Henry work for the pub for a month. His duty is to serve all the drunk and unpleasant people. 1) Henry P., 47, divorced, charged with being publicly drunk. He refused to leave a pub at closing time and caused a bit of damage when the police tried to arrest him. P. said he had had an argument with his boss and could not face going home to an empty flat. Activity Punishment:
Let her work in the shop for two days to pay them back for the chicken. 2) Mrs. F., 57, shoplifting. Apparently Mrs. F. had stolen a frozen chicken, which she had hidden under her hat. The chicken was so cold that she fell unconscious, otherwise she would probably not have been caught. Mrs. F., in tears, said she had not eaten meat for three weeks. Punishment:
3) James S., 42, a teacher, charged with beating his wife and two young children. Mrs. S. is in hospital in bad shape, the mother-in-law is taking care of the children. Mrs. S. had already run away twice, but James had promised to change so she had gone home again.
Punishment: b. Put James on an isolated island and when he is lonely and depressed, send his wife over to him. Do not let him see his children. Punishment: a. Allow his wife to beat him publicly twice so that he could know how painful it is, both mentally and physically.
4) Peter D., 19, stole, or rather “borrowed” a motorcycle, intending, he said, to give it back to the owner after trying it out. D.’s father is at sea and his mother by herself is left to bring up four children, of whom Peter is the eldest.
Punishment: a. Let Peter push the stolen motorcycle in the street in the daytime for two hours. Put a notice on the motorcycle, which says “I stole this motorcycle.” This will make Peter feel ashamed of himself. Punishment: b. Let Peter act as the babysitter for the owner of the motorcycle so that he will know how difficult it is to bring up a child. At the same time, he can also earn some money to support his family.
5) Mrs. A., 45, a doctor’s wife, president of a local ladies’ club, was caught leaving a fashion shop wearing two dresses, only one of which belonged to her. Admitting that she had stolen, she could not explain why. a. Ask her to help in a hospital free of charge. b. Ask her to buy the dress at a price that is ten times that of the original. Punishment:
Word Tips The object of the verb ‘steal’ is the thing which is taken away, e.g. they stole my bike, whereas the object of the verb ‘rob’ is the person or place from which things are stolen, Difference between the verbs: steal and rob
e.g. I was robbed last night. A masked man robbed the bank. ‘Steal’ is irregular; steal, stole, stolen. Steal and Rob Word Tips