Discovery and Growth of High Grade Canadian VMS Deposits April 2016 TSXV-RCU
Forward-Looking Statements This Presentation includes certain "forward-looking statements" which are not comprised of historical facts. Forward-looking statements include estimates and statements that describe Rockcliff Copper Corporation’s future plans, objectives or goals, including words to the effect that Rockcliff Copper Corporation or management expects a stated condition or result to occur. Forward-looking statements may be identified by such terms as “believes”, “anticipates”, “expects”, “estimates”, “may”, “could”, “would”, “will”, or “plan”. Since forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and address future events and conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Although these statements are based on information currently available to Rockcliff Copper Corporation, Rockcliff Copper Corporation provides no assurance that actual results will meet management’s expectations. Risks, uncertainties and other factors involved with forward-looking information could cause actual events, results, performance, prospects and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Forward looking information in this Presentation includes, but is not limited to, Rockcliff Copper Corporation’s objectives, goals or future plans, statements, exploration results, potential mineralization, the estimation of mineral resources, exploration and mine development plans, successful exploration results, successful categorization of mineral resources into mineral reserves, successful development of a feasibility study, timing of the commencement of operations and estimates of market conditions. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to failure to identify mineral resources, failure to convert estimated mineral resources to reserves, the inability to complete a feasibility study which recommends a production decision, the preliminary nature of metallurgical test results, delays in obtaining or failures to obtain required governmental, environmental or other project approvals, political risks, inability to fulfill the duty to accommodate First Nations and other indigenous peoples if potential issues arise, uncertainties relating to the availability and costs of financing needed in the future, changes in equity markets, inflation, changes in exchange rates, fluctuations in commodity prices, delays in the development of projects, capital and operating costs varying significantly from estimates and the other risks involved in the mineral exploration and development industry, and those risks set out in Rockcliff Copper Corp.’s public documents filed on SEDAR. Although Rockcliff Copper Corporation believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this Presentation are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information, which only applies as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed time frames or at all. Rockcliff Copper Corporation disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law. Cautionary Note to Investors Concerning Estimates of Historical, Inferred and Indicated Resources This presentation uses the terms Historical, Inferred and Indicated Resources. Investors (Canadian and U.S.) are advised that while such terms are recognized and required by Canadian regulations, the Securities and Exchange Commission does not recognize them. Historical and Inferred Resources have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence, and great uncertainty as to their economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of an historical or Inferred Resource will ever be upgraded to a higher category. Under Canadian rules, estimates of Historical and Inferred Resources may not form the basis of feasibility or other economic studies. Both U.S. and Canadian investors are cautioned not to assume that all or any part of Historical, Inferred or Indicated Resources will ever be converted into Reserves and will become upgraded into an economically or legally mineable deposit. Neither Rockcliff Copper Corporation nor its Qualified Persons have done sufficient work to classify the historic estimates in this presentation as current mineral resources under current mineral resource or mineral reserve terminology and are not treating the historic estimates as current mineral resources. The resources in this presentation should not be relied upon. Ken Lapierre P.Geo., President and CEO of Rockcliff Copper Corporation, a Qualified Person in accordance with Canadian regulatory requirements as set out in NI , has read and approved the scientific and technical information that forms the basis for the disclosure contained in this presentation. 2
Overview 3 To explore and advance high grade/high margin VMS deposits To transition to mine finder status To generate risk-free cash flow “ The Snow Lake Project is high grade, is de-risked, is located in a mining friendly jurisdiction within a world class prolific mining camp, has excellent infrastructure and exceptional growth for additional high grade copper, gold, zinc and silver resources.” Ken Lapierre, President & CEO
The Copper Facts and The Bottom Line THE COPPER FACTS Present LME copper stocks near historic lows (LME, ICSG, ILZSG, Teck) Copper mine production forecasts in decline (Wood Mackenzie, Teck) Copper costs are higher than understood: margins after sustaining capex at US$2.00 copper, 51% of global production not profitable. At US$2.40 copper, 28% of production not profitable (Bernstein Research, Teck) Annual copper disruptions on the rise since 2010: cost/price, grades, ground issues, weather, labour, start- up, power(Teck, CRU) Continuing industry ore grade decline will put upward pressure on unit costs: In 1990, industry co-by product(copper dominant)mines head grades were ~2.6%. In 2016, ~1.4% forecast at 1.2% (Wood Mackenzie, Teck). Copper demand remains strong: China conservative estimate of ~2.3% growth out to China expected to add almost as much to global demand in the next 15 years as the past 25 years(Wood Mackenzie) Project developments have slowed due to low prices, higher capex, corporate austerity, permitting and availability of financing (WM, CRU, ICSG, Teck) High grade mines are becoming increasingly rare and strategic THE BOTTOM LINE Copper deficit starting in 2018(Teck) a modest 2% global demand growth, 400kt of new supply is needed annually(Teck) To meet new supply needs = 1 new 15.0Mt mine grading 1.4% CuEq required annually 4
Why Explore for VMS Deposits (Cu-Au-Zn-Ag) in Manitoba, Canada? MANITOBA Mining friendly jurisdiction rated #4 in the world for exploration and mining (2015 Fraser Institute Study) Low cost electrical power Flin Flon-Snow Lake Mining Camp Largest Paleoproterozoic VMS District in the world. Most prolific VMS belt in Canada (contained value per km2). District wide-400 MT of total resources, 30 mines, 90 deposits. Deposits tend to form in clusters. 20 of the 30 mines began production with under a 2.0MT resource. On average the initial mine resource tonnage increased 2.5x throughout the life of the mine (HudBay data). Camp known for its high copper grades. Average grades 2-4x greater than global copper grade average (~1%). Excellent infrastructure, 100 years of mining 5
Snow Lake Project*: High Grade Copper Deposits potential low cost/low capex high grade mines in a world class mining camp SNOW LAKE PROJECT Project expenditures in excess of CDN$18M since ,000m drilled, +160 holes completed Exploration identified +350 sqkm sized project hosting 4 high grade VMS (copper-gold-zinc-silver) deposits: Talbot, Rail, Tower and Lon Deposits Talbot Deposit: #1 ranked highest grade unmined VMS deposit in the FF-SL mining camp #3 ranked Tower and #5 ranked Rail Deposits represent additional highest grade unmined deposits in the FF-SL mining camp All copper deposits are underexplored and have excellent growth potential in additional copper, gold, zinc, silver (VMS) resources 6 5.7% CuEq 4.2% CuEq 3.9% CuEq 5.6% CuEq *Please refer to the cautionary information on current resource and historical estimates on slide 8 for all deposits
Rockcliff’s Snow Lake Project: grade pays/tonnes cost Tonnage (Millions) (minimum 0.4MT) 7 CuEq Grade (%) Sources: 1. Bamburak, J.D.,(1990), Manitoba Energy and Mines, Open File Report 90-2, 105p. 2. Economic Geology 88: p. 3. Public data files. 4. All resource categories including mined material, reserves, resources and historical were used. 5. Copper equivalent grade calculated using RPA long term forecast of US$3.50/pound copper, US$1450 per ounce gold, US$1.25 per pound zinc, US$22 per ounce silver. *#1. Talbot:RCU earning a 51% interest from HudBay Minerals, #4 Rail:100% owned, #5.Tower:1.5%NSR owned
Rockcliff Controls High Grade Canadian Copper (VMS) Deposits 8 Rockcliff's NI Compliant Resources-CIM Standards Used DEPOSITTONNESCOPPER-%GOLD-g/tZINC-%SILVER-/g/t Copper Equivalent(%) (*****) Talbot-Inferred Main Lens Talbot-Inferred FW Lens Talbot-Inferred North Lens TALBOT-Inferred Total* (earning 51%) 1,441, , ,400 2,168, % 5.0% 2.6% 5.7% Rail-Indicated** (own 100%, 2%nsr to Hudbay) 822, % Tower (T-1)-Indicated*** Tower (T-1)-Inferred*** (own 1.5% NSR) 1,084,186 1,253, % 2.7% Rockcliff’s Historical Resources Lon****: Own 100% 250, % *The Talbot report completed by RPA dated January 26, 2016 and press released February 3, CIM definitions were followed, 2.0% copper cut-off was used with US$3.50 coper, US$1450 gold, US$1.25 zinc and US$22 silver. Metal recovery for copper was 95%, gold at 70%, zinc at 85% and Silver at 65%. Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves and do not have demonstrated economic value. **The Rail Deposit report completed by SRK Consulting dated December 19, 2012 and press released December 21, CIM definitions were followed, 2.0% copper cut-off was used with US$3.00 per pound and a metal recovery of 80% without considering revenues from other metals. Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. ***The Tower (T-1) Deposit report completed by CCIC Inc. dated January 20,2013 and press released December 6, CIM definitions were followed, 0.5% copper cut-off was used using US$3.63 per pound. Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves and do not have demonstrated economic value.****The Lon Deposit is an historical deposit. The reader may refer to the Lon Deposit press released October 31, An internal report was completed by Granges Inc. in 1993 however not all of the parameters used, assumptions made and methods used to prepare the historic estimate are known at this time. Additional exploration has been conducted on the property since 1963 including drilling, geophysics and geological mapping. Additional drilling would be required to upgrade the historical resource to a current Mineral Resource as the historic information does not satisfy the requirements set out by NI Neither Rockcliff Copper nor its Qualified Persons have done sufficient work to classify the historic estimate as a current Mineral Resource and are not treating the historical estimate as a current Mineral Resource. The reader is cautioned that the Lon historical resource should not be relied upon as it does not satisfy current Mineral Resource or Mineral Reserve terminology. *****Copper Equivalent grades were estimated using RPA’s long term prices of US$3.50 copper, US$1450 gold, US$1.25 zinc and US$22 silver.
Talbot Property Initial Potential +5MT grading +5% copper equivalent -three high priority ZTEM anomalies identified similar to ZTEM signature associated with +20MT Lalor VMS Mine Modified graphics compliments of HudBay Minerals. 9 N Historic High Grade Talbot Deposit: 3.4% Cu, 1.9g/t Au, 2.9% Zn, 58.4g/t Ag. * Talbot Property ZTEM Survey ZTEM only airborne technique to detect +20MT Lalor Mine, Snow Lake, Manitoba ZTEM, IP 90Hz DT ZTEM, IP 180Hz DT 1 km North Target Talbot Deposit (initial ZTEM anomaly tested) N N Central Target ZTEM Lalor ZTEM Survey
10 Talbot Property: 2015 Program Results -intersected high grade copper corridor-identified deposit north extension -discovered North Copper Zone-initiated Talbot Resource Estimate by RPA *Please refer to the cautionary information on current resource estimates on slide 8 for the Talbot Deposit North Target: North Copper Zone Discovery and borehole anomaly identified: TB-009: 1.4% Cu, 0.1g/t Au, 3.9g/t Ag Talbot Deposit: North Lens extension identified: TB-006: 1.1% Cu, 1.0g/t Au, 2.0% Zn, 24.2g/t Ag Talbot Deposit: Main Lens high grade copper corridor identified: TB-001: 6.1% Cu, 8.2g/t Au, 5.0% Zn, 112.1g/t Ag Central Target ZTEM 1 km # 1 Ranked Talbot Deposit* 2.8% Cu, 2.4g/t Au, 2.2% Zn, 54.6g/t Ag # 1 Ranked Talbot Deposit* 2.8% Cu, 2.4g/t Au, 2.2% Zn, 54.6g/t Ag RCU drill holes
11 proposed holes *Please refer to the cautionary information on current resource estimates on slide 8 Talbot Deposit: Additional Drilling Warranted for Resource Expansion
Talbot Deposit: #1 Ranked Highest Grade Unmined Deposit in the Flin Flow-Snow Lake Mining Camp *CuEq based on US$3.50/lb Cu, US$1450/oz Au, US$1.25/lb Zn, US$22/oz Ag 12 HoleLength (m) Cu (%) Au (g/t) Zn (%) Ag (g/t) CuEq* (%) TSL HAR HAR TLS HAR HAR TB TLS TLS TLS
Copper mineralization identified in every hole across 800 metre strike length to a vertical depth of 900 metres High grade copper corridor: 3-5m thickness across a strike length of between 50m-100m and a dip length of over +400m Multiple copper, gold, zinc and silver intercepts identified outside deposit limits and worthy of follow- up drilling Additional drilling recommended for resource expansion and discovery 13 High grade copper corridor identified within Main Lens 2+75N Please refer to the cautionary information on current resource estimates on slide 8
14 Talbot Property North Copper Zone: Additional Drilling Warranted To Test Large Borehole Anomalies Below Copper Mineralization (longitudinal section looking west) proposed holes Strong Untested Anomaly Below North Copper Zone: 150m x 350m Strong Untested Anomaly Below Copper Mineralization: 150m x 500m copper mineralization: TB-008 & 010, HAR093: narrow lenses with up to 2.5% Cu, 7.2g/t Au, 7.9g/t Ag North Copper Zone : TB-009: 1.4% Cu, 0.1g/t Au, 3.9g/t Ag HAR236: 0.8% Cu, 2.8g/t Ag proposed holes surface 200m
Talbot Exploration Planned Phase 2 Program -Talbot Deposit Expansion-North Copper Zone-Central ZTEM Anomaly ***10-15 Holes, 5,000 Metres Recommended*** 15 1 km N North Copper Zone: to determine copper significance of bore hole geophysical anomalies below mineralization Talbot Deposit: to define grade and thickness of main lens high grade copper corridor & determine significance of borehole anomaly associated with north lens extension. Central Target: to determine copper significance of ZTEM anomaly with similar characteristics as the ZTEM anomalies associated with the North Target and Talbot Deposit ZTEM proposed hole
Rail Deposit: #5 Ranked Highest Grade Unmined VMS Deposit in FF-SL Mining Camp: High Grade NI Indicated Estimate: 3.04% Cu, 0.9% Zn, 0.66gt Au, 9.25gt Ag (3.9% CuEq grade)* * Please refer to the cautionary information on current resource estimates on slide 8 16 RAIL PROPERTY: 100% owned with 2%NSR to Hudbay, +$4M in exploration completed 5th ranked highest grade unmined deposit in Flin Flon-Snow Lake mining camp. Deposit open in all directions. Large untested borehole and DPEM anomalies along strike of deposit. Historic drill hole ~250m below deposit intersected massive sulphides grading 5.9% copper over 2.1 metres Deposit and anomalies hosted within a 4km long favourable “copper corridor” Rockcliff Copper Corporation N
Rail Property Copper Corridor: Overlapping VTEM/Magnetic Maps Copper Corridor hosts Rail Deposit/multiple VTEM anomalies Copper Corridor minimum 4km strike length Deposit/VTEM anomalies: drill ready Excellent opportunity for resource growth within copper corridor 17 drill area Rail Deposit*: NI Indicated Resource: 3% Cu, 0.7g/t Au, 0.9% Zn, 9.3g/t Ag (3.9% Cueq grade) * Please refer to the cautionary information on current resource estimates on slide 8 drill hole Copper Corridor
Rail Deposit: Drilling Recommended 4 holes, 2500 metres: to test for deposit expansion and anomalies along strike of deposit * Please refer to the cautionary information on current resource estimates on slide 8 18 untested Rockcliff Copper Corporation Proposed hole 500m RL10-54: 1.5% Cu, 1.0g/t Au, 1.1% Zn, 7.5g/t Ag Proposed hole
Talbot Drill Program Summary THE TALBOT PHASE 1 PROGRAM 10 holes totalling +5000m completed PROGRAM MILESTONES Talbot Deposit Main Lens: identified high grade copper corridor: m strike length by 400m of dip length Talbot Deposit North Lens: identified extension associated with large off hole anomaly-200m x 150m North Copper Zone: shallow copper discovery with multiple large untested borehole anomalies beneath copper mineralization RPA initiated NI Resource Estimate on historic Talbot Deposit North Target
Planned Phase 2 Snow Lake Project Program: 7,500m of Drilling Recommended ***Just Released *** Talbot Deposit Estimate: NI Inferred Resource: 2.17MT grading 2.8%Cu, 2.4g/t Au, 2.2% Zn, 54.6g/t Ag (5.7% CuEq grade) TALBOT PROPERTY: 5,000m, Phase 2 Program Talbot Deposit: #1 ranked highest grade unmined deposit in FF-SL mining camp: Continue resource growth on main lens (high grade copper corridor) and north lens (north extension) North Copper Zone: determine size and significance of large anomalies below significant copper grades Central Target: to determine copper significance of untested ZTEM anomaly RAIL PROPERTY: 2,500m Program Rail Deposit: #5 ranked highest grade unmined deposit in FF-SL mining camp: Expand on present resource and test geophysical anomalies along strike depth within “Copper Corridor”
Leadership 21 Management Team Kenneth Lapierre, P.Geo., President, CEO and Director Former Founder, President, CEO of Rockcliff Resources Former President &CEO of JML Resources Former founder, VP Exploration & Director of Mustang Minerals 30+ years as geologist specializing in precious and base metals exploration and development in the Americas Daniel Crandall, C.A., CFO Senior Manager at Marrelli Support Services Inc. Former Manager at Collins Barrow Toronto LLP, Mr. Crandall holds a CPA and CA certification. Directors Gerry McCarvill, Chairman and Director Established Desert Sun Mining and Consolidated Thompson Iron Mines Chairman of Norvista Financial Edmund King, Director Former Chairman and CEO of Wood Gundy and CIBC Wood Gundy Chairman and Director of Caldwell Partners Bruce Durham, Director Former President & CEO of Solvista Gold. President & CEO of Nevada Zinc Don Christie, C.A., Director President & CEO of Norvista Capital Bill Johnstone, Director Lawyer(Partner) with Gardiner Roberts, specializing in securities law
Capital Structure 22 TSXV-RCU Shares Outstanding 103,201,018 Fully Diluted 129,024,270 Options 10,646,555 ($0.05-$1.40)) Warrants 15,179,197 ($0.085-$0.83) Management10%Market Capitalization~$3.5M Retail75%Cash~$1.8M Institutional10%No Debt Kinross, HudBay 5% 52 Week High/Low$0.055/$0.015
Contact Information 23 Rockcliff Copper Corporation Ken Lapierre P.Geo., President & CEO Mobile Office TSXV- RCU