Ettringite 3CaO.Al 2 O 3.3CaSO 4.32H 2 O.
Ettringite in nature Ettringite in nature Ettringite is naturally polluted by Si, Fe, K, Na, Co. It is very difficult to find it in bigger amount
Structural chemical formula Structural chemical formula Is compounded from columns and channels
structurehexagonal colour nervelessyellow white transparencyacicular crystals hardness 2 - 2,5 denzity1,770 g/cm 3 fissionability any lustresilk isotropyno bireflectionno behaviour in UV lightrayless
Preparation and formation of ettringite 6Ca(OH) 2 + Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3. 18H 2 O + H 2 O—>Ca 6 Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 (OH) H 2 O Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 + CaCl NaOH + 26 H 2 O Ca 6 (Al 2 O 6 )(SO 4 ) H 2 O + 12NaCl 3CaCO 3 + Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 —> Ca 3 Al 2 O 3 (SO 4 ) 3 + 3CO 2 Ca 3 Al 2 O 3 (SO 4 ) 3 + 3CaO —> Ca 6 (Al 2 O 6 )(SO 4 ) H 2 O Ca 3 Al 2 O 3 (SO 4 ) 3 + 3CaO —> Ca 6 (Al 2 O 6 )(SO 4 ) H 2 O CA + 2CH + 3CS.2H + 24H —> C3A. 3CS.H32 3CA + 5CH + 6CS.2H + 26H —> C3A. 3CS.H32 3CA + 5CH + 6CS.2H + 26H —> C3A. 3CS.H32 CA2 + 5CH + 6CS.2H + 47H —> 2C3A. 3CS.H32 CA2 + 5CH + 6CS.2H + 47H —> 2C3A. 3CS.H32 C12A7 + 9CH + 21CS.2H + 173H —>7C3A. 3CS.H32 C12A7 + 9CH + 21CS.2H + 173H —>7C3A. 3CS.H32 CA6 + 17CH + 18CS.2H + 139H—> 6C3A. 3CS.H32 CA6 + 17CH + 18CS.2H + 139H—> 6C3A. 3CS.H32 C – CaO, A – Al2O3, S – SO3, H - H2O
usage and characteristics of ettringite fixation outlet ions belated formation DEF: expansion at concrete production of papers, light gypsumwallboard boards, ettringite grains which have improved fireproof qualities possible cations and anions possible substituent of cations and anions ( heavy metals, or radioactive materials ) ( heavy metals, or radioactive materials )
DEF ettringite Porous materials, including stone, mortar, and concrete, can be damaged when crystals precipitate from the liquid in their pores. Salts may be inherent to the material (as is the case in cementitious materials), or be absorbed withground water or formed by reaction with atmospheric pollutants (particularly sulfates), or created by the metabolic activity of microbes.
DEF ettringite after 30 days
Analysis of ettringite by SEM or RTX
ettringite below electron microscope
vocabulary průhlednost průhlednosttransparency tvrdost tvrdosthardness štěpnost štěpnostfissionability lesk lesklustre nezářivostrayless sádrokartonové gypsumwallboard outlet odpadníchoutlet vlákno grains
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