October 16, 2015 Page 59 Objective: I can identify the parts of a compound light microscope. Title Microscopes
DNA: Explain the purpose of a microscope.
1665 – Robert Hooke Observed cells in cork. Coined the term "cells”. Cork Cells
1673- Anton van Leeuwenhoek Created a powerful microscope 1 st to see single-celled organisms in pond water
Robert Brown -noticed that pollen grains in water jiggled around called “Brownian motion” -discovered the nucleus Nucleus Human Cheek Cell
Matthias Schleiden A botanist who concluded that all plants are made of cells. Typical Plant Cell
Theodor Schwann A zoologist who concluded that all animals are made of cells. Nerve Cells
Rudolph Virchow A physician who did research on cancer cells and concluded “Omnis cellula e cellula”. “All cells are from other pre-existing cells.”
Microscope Vocabulary Magnification: increase of an object’s apparent size Resolution: power to show details clearly Both are needed to see a clear image
Types of Microscopes 1. Compound Light Microscope –1 st type of microscope, most widely used –light passes through 2 lenses –Can magnify up to 2000x
Ocular lens Objective lenses
Types of Microscopes 2. Electron Microscope –Used to observe VERY small objects: viruses, DNA, parts of cells –Uses beams of electrons rather than light –Much more powerful
Types of Microscopes Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) –Can magnify up to 250,000x
Types of Microscopes Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) –Can magnify up to 100,000x
revolving nosepiece stage clips fine adjustment knob diaphragm medium power objective arm stage high power objective light source low power objective coarse adjustment knob tube base incline adjustment eyepiece