Social Care Theory for Practice 1. What is a team? 2. Why work in teams?
Social Care Theory for Practice Appropriate leadership Suitable membership Commitment to the team Constructive climate Concerns to achieve Clear corporate role Effective work methods Well organised team procedures Ability to critique Creative strength Positive inter-group relations Time is spent on developing individuals
Social Care Theory for Practice Belbin (1981) Company worker/Co-implementer Team-worker Chairman/Coordinator Plant Completer/finisher Monitor Evaluator Resource Investigator Shaper
Social Care Theory for Practice Tuckman’s Stages FormingStormingNormingPerformingAdjourning/Ending
Social Care Theory for Practice Think of a team you are involved with. Identify the stages of development you think your team is at, using Tuckman’s model.
Social Care Theory for Practice PARTNERSHIP 1. Think of examples, from either your personal life or a work situation, where change was imposed without your involvement in the negotiations? 2. Who was involved in the process? 3. How did you feel at this time? 4. What does this tell you about partnership?
Social Care Theory for Practice Give an example of partnership working from your own experience.
Social Care Theory for Practice 1. What is the most important aim for a service user you are working with at present? 2. How much influence do you have on this service user? 3. Why is motivation so important in care?
Social Care Theory for Practice MASLOW Biological and Physiological needs Safety needs Belonging and love needs Esteem needs Cognitive needs Aesthetic needs Self Actualisation
Social Care Theory for Practice Look at Maslow’s model and apply it to the different stages in your own life. Draw the pyramid. Look at Maslow’s model and apply it to the different stages in your own life. Draw the pyramid.
Social Care Theory for Practice Fiaiza is a 34 year old Indian woman. She has a disability which affects her speech and mobility and she sometimes finds it difficult when communicating with others. She has to leave home really early each day to get to College on time and she requires extra time to move between classes. She also suffers from arthritis. 1. Using Maslow’s hierarchy, identify those areas that might be a problem to Fiaiza. 2. Can you think of any way in which you could assist Fiaiza so she is able to fulfil these needs?
Social Care Theory for Practice Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory AchievementRecognition Job interest ResponsibilityAdvancement
Social Care Theory for Practice CHANGE Clarity Empowerment Role Awareness
Social Care Theory for Practice What do we mean by a role? What roles are you currently required to play? What are the expectations placed on you? Do these roles overlap? Do they produce conflicting expectations?
Social Care Theory for Practice LEADERSHIP Autocratic Laissez-Faire Democratic
Social Care Theory for Practice 1. What type of leader do you prefer? 2. Which tasks in care require leadership? 3. Consider the main source of leadership in your agency. Is leadership practised at all levels?