What I plan to cover… National Food and Drink Policy Recipe for Success.


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Presentation transcript:

What I plan to cover…

National Food and Drink Policy Recipe for Success

A SUCCESSFUL POLICY INITIATIVE Scotland's food and drink generated a record turnover of £14.3 billion in 2013, up £550 million on the year before and a 24% increase since 2008 ; Between 2007/14 57% growth exports exceeded years earl, ; A 35% rise between 2007 and 2015 in retail sales in the UK; A step change in collaborative workin g both within the sector and between industry and the public sector; An explosion in the local food movement - our ‘Community Food Fund’ promotes food tourism, farmers markets, food festivals and other local food events has seen over 109 initiatives so far; £4M to offer a wide range of Food Education opportunities between ; Introduced universal free school meals P1-3 and an overall increase in those taking school meals plus £70.5 million of revenue funding over 2 years supported with capital funding of £24.8 million Some progress in relation to diet, including reformulation of products.

..recognising a profound paradox ‘ Scotland is a nation renowned worldwide for producing high quality food and drink and yet we struggle with world beating levels of diet-related disease and throw away a fifth of our food!’

Current policy and context An evolving and progressive Food and Drink Policy endorsed by the Scottish Cabinet. Programme for Government Economic strategy Creating a Fairer Scotland Healthier Scotland national conversation Elections EU

Children’s food policy ‘Becoming a Good Food Nation’ children's food policy a priority ‘for the Commission to recommend priorities’ ‘Scottish Government proposes early action on this area’ …‘may mean’ developing a children's food policy’

“… people from every walk of life, will take pride and pleasure in the food served in Scotland.” “…food exports will attract overseas visitors and the quality of the food we serve will become one of the key reasons to travel to Scotland.” “Scottish suppliers will have developed their offerings so that local increasingly equals fresh, healthy, and environmentally- sound.” “… dietary-related diseases will have begun to decline as will the environmental impact, locally and worldwide, of our food consumption.” “The food companies will be a thriving well-known feature of local and national economies…”

Setting out on the journey… Food Commission role o To advocate the importance of food to Scotland’s health, environment, & quality of life; o To provide advice to ensure the Food and Drink Policy is up to date, relevant and positioned as well as it can be; o No dietary advice o Non statutory and short life o Health, Sustainability, Prosperity & Social Justice Celebration and education Catalyse and enthuse Advice

Food Commission Interim report Year one – developing understanding Refreshed vision Clear objectives and indicators Recommendation - movement for change Set priorities for further advice

Refreshed vision ‘ Aspiration that Scotland is a Good Food Nation, a country where people from every walk of life take pride and pleasure in, and benefit from, the food they buy, serve and eat day by day ’.

Objectives & indicators

Next steps? GFN Comms strategy – web/social media Creating the movement Best practice examples Advice from Food commission on priorities Next steps for children’s food policy? Jointly - how can we drive improvements, overcome barriers and make the best of opportunities? For our children and for everyone

WORKING TOGETHER An effective relationship between SG, FC, FSS and others FSS is our first point of reference for all food safety and nutrition and dietary health advice. An independent, evidence- focused anchor; FDARC’s insights into the landscape of food production, retail and hospitality, cross government and cross sector food policies, operational perspectives and practicalities; Food Commission as a catalyst to set in motion a movement for change, involving the full range of interested parties Good fit - we need each other! - and much common interest/work already: eg common research needs; assessing SACN recommendations and the operational implications for retail and catering; Public Sector Incident Protocol; Food Authenticity and Food Labelling etc; And we will be intentional about making it work…

Conclusion Your thoughts: For Scotland to be a #Good Food Nation ? Next steps for children's food joanne.boyle20