supported by a local government initiative sharing nationally to improve services locally Putting it all together John Blundell – Cabinet Office Eloise Neched – LB Enfield Alyson Murdoch – Mendip DC David Drury – LB Waltham Forest Tim Anderson – Norfolk CC Peter Wooton – Hertfordshire CC
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Toolkit is…….. local authority owned and led a community of 16,000+ supported by an army of experts and practitioners ……………but also……….
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Transforming……… meeting the requirements of the changing agenda customer focus –understand your services and your customers transforming the business –identify areas for improvement and realise efficiencies performance improvement –ability to measure, benchmark evidence and compare to national standards across partnerships
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative how Toolkit is……. –enabling –supporting –benchmarking –evidencing –sharing transforming ……………………….
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative esd-toolkitoo
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ILLUSTRATION / Orange Optimism Copyright © Nick Wavish
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative corporate understanding of services enabling and supporting partnership working identifying improvement in performance meeting the local agenda realising savings managing the impact of change 360º view of services
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative delivering citizen focussed services identifying improvements in service delivery managing your points of access tailoring communication - engaging with the community managing inclusion targeting resources enabling evidence based corporate strategies proactive service delivery based on need improving the experience for the citizen 360º view of customers
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative ILLUSTRATION / Orange Optimism Copyright © Nick Wavish Optimising – taking advantage best practice to make efficiencies Optimist – tendency to take a hopeful view of things Optimum – best or most favourable Optimising – taking advantage best practice to make efficiencies Optimist – tendency to take a hopeful view of things Optimum – best or most favourable OPTIMISING OPPORTUNITY
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative have you felt like this?
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative local…………… Corporate repository of service delivery – understanding of services and attributes and building resilience Empowering staff – front line – training manual Devolved to Service Areas - manage at own services Manage internal and external change – new legislation Enables the breaking down of silos CPP has allowed –understand the citizen – those we are reaching and those we are not –target resources – service delivery, communication Shaping service delivery to meet need
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative toolkit - external manage contracts more effectively link three tiers service delivery in lead up to joined up service delivery benchmark, measure, evidence and compare analyse customer satisfaction and experience across boundaries
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative toolkit - shared ability to identify opportunities for partnership working/ shared service proactive services across boundaries enter talks with confidence and evidence – SWP devise a channel strategy across all agencies, –locate convenient access points according to citizen profiles - SCC, Police, PCT, PO and the pub! toolkit – improving together………
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Knowledge 1 Standards –Lists »Local Govt Services List - GovMetric »Local Govt Navigation List –National e-Service Delivery Standards »Best Practice agreed locally by councils »Shared nationally »Put into practice via self assessment
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Knowledge 2 Forums Wide membership –From all over the country –From other agencies »DCLG »Audit Commission Performance Indicator Exchange (DCLG) Sharing knowledge and experience
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Knowledge 3 Toolkit Local Communities (TLCs) No escaping them! »London »South East; South West »East of England »East Mids; West Mids »North East; North West »Yorkshire & Humberside »Scotland Meet your peers and counterparts Run by councils, for councils
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Improving…………… ………..citizen focus Can’t set targets without knowing the benchmark Can’t benchmark without understanding customer needs Can’t understand customer needs without knowing customers Customer profiling – setting and monitoring realistic targets based on customer need
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Improving……………..…transformation Can’t work together without a common list of services Can’t measure improvement without a shared picture of service delivery Extending the partnership list linked to LAA targets and PIE
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative Improving……….. business improvement Can’t improve unless we know what we are doing now Volumes and cost to serve Can’t improve without new models BPI work Can’t change without effective marketing Take up Campaign.. But also TLC’s
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative toolkit is……… transforming opportunities optimising local knowledge improving together
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative NW TLC 18 Oct FIT 13 Nov YH TLC 8 Nov FIT 4 Dec NE TLC 29 Nov FIT 30 Oct WM TLC 6 Dec FIT 16 Oct EM TLC 20 Nov FIT 18 Dec EE TLC 25 Oct FIT 20 Nov SW TLC 1 Nov FIT 27 Nov London TLC 22 Nov FIT 23 Oct SE TLC 11 Oct FIT 6 Nov Scotland – TLC 31 Oct – FIT 11 Dec rolling programme October to December 07
supported by sharing nationally to improve services locally a local government initiative together……….….. it’s yours join in …….make the most of it!