MA-PAL Task 3 This task aligns with course assignments from EDC 5630 Supervision and Evaluation of Instruction
Important things to know Every time you submit a Task, you must submit a separate MA- PAL Confidentiality Form. No district, school, teacher or student names should be used in any Task. Remove all names and use pseudonyms or general references (“the district”). Blind or remove all names on any typed or written material that could identify an individual or institution.
What do you need to do to complete this task?
Component 1a. Identify a priority content and instructional area (area of student need) to focus on. Based on data collected in your school/district It should be an area of focus in your school/district Improvement Plan Your assignments in EDC 5601, EDC 5602 required you to collect district/school data and identify a focus area based on student need.
Component 1b. Identify a teacher in that content/instructional focus area who will allow you to observe him/her for this task. You will need to provide a rationale for selecting this teacher so make sure he/she is connected to the priority area. You will need to collect demographic data on the composition of the class. Documents to submit for MA-PAL: Artifact 1: Pre-observation template (pg. 83 in the Candidate Assessment Handbook). No other template can be substituted. Category 3 additional documents to submit: Samples of relevant student and teacher information In EDC 5630 you were required to observe 3 or more sample lessons. These observations were not necessarily connected to the data you analyzed in EDC 5601 and EDC For MA-PAL there needs to be a connection.
Component 2: Visit several classrooms to identify common instructional practices. You will be required to record the number and dates of visits on the MA-PAL Pre-observation Template (Page 83 of the Candidate Assessment Handbook).
Component 3. Conduct a pre-observation meeting with the teacher. Review student data, instructional goals for the lesson you will observe, teachers strengths and mutually agreed upon areas for improvement. Identify areas of focus for the observation based on student data and teacher needs. Documents to submit for MA-PAL: Category 2 documents to submit: A copy of the unit of study, lesson plan/outline, core student assignments and work samples You were not required to do a pre-observation conference in EDC You will need to do this for MA-PAL.
Component 4. Observe and video one lesson. The video must be at least 15 continuous unedited minutes long. Use your district’s classroom observation data collection tool along with the MA Model System for Educator Evaluation: Teacher Rubric to analyze and identify the teacher’s instructional strengths and weaknesses. Documents to submit for MA-PAL: Artifact 2: 15 minute continuous unedited video of the lesson (refer to pg. 84 and 85 of MA-PAL Candidate Handbook). Category 1 additional documents to submit: Your district’s teacher observation protocol AND teacher evaluation rubric. If your district uses the state rubric, just include the link to the rubric on the DESE website Identify which standards and indicators were used for the observation As part of EDC 5630 you were required to conduct and video record a classroom observation of a teacher using the MA Evaluation Model Rubric.
Component 5. Document the teacher’s instructional strengths and identify one or more areas where improvement is needed. Gather information on resources (research, pd, instructional specialists, etc) that could be used by the teacher to improve areas where improvement is needed. Consider subject matter knowledge, pedagogy, child development, student engagement practices, cultural responsiveness, meeting diverse student needs. Documents to submit for MA-PAL: Artifact 4: 1,000 word memo (2 single-spaced pgs.) to the observed teacher which includes: Identifies essential qualities of observed teaching practices centered on instructional focus area Includes teacher or student context issues that were identified in the pre- conference meeting Uses district observation rubric/tool Includes an annotated and detailed summary and analysis of the observed teaching Makes a strong connection between student performance and instructional practices As part of EDC 5630 you were required to write a “formal classroom observation report that is informative and instructive” that “identifies research-based elements of the lesson”. This observation report “centers on the judgements about the effectiveness of the lesson observed based upon the evidence collected during the lesson”.
Component 6. Conduct and video record the post-observation conference. The video must be at least 15 minutes in length. Make sure the video clearly shows both you and the teacher you observed. No one else should be in the room/video during the post-observation conference. Discuss strengths and weakness, plans for improvement and resources for professional learning. Documents to submit for MA-PAL: Artifact 3: 15 minute continuous unedited video of post- observation conference (refer to pg. 84 and 85 of MA-PAL Candidate Handbook). Engages teacher actively in a two-way discussion Assists the teacher in analyzing his/her own performance Identifies resources/support that are tailored to the teachers specific needs Engages the teacher in proposing ways to improve practice, monitoring and follow-up Makes suggestions that target key ways for the teacher to improve student learning EDC 5630 does not include an assignment that requires you to do a post- observation conference.
Component 7. Gather and record feedback from the teacher to assess your leadership skills in the pre-conference meeting, classroom observation, and post-conference meeting. Documents to submit for MA-PAL: Artifact 5: 1,000 word memo (2 single-spaced pgs.) to the teacher responding to his/her feedback of the pre-observation and post-observation meeting experiences. Makes a strong connection between student performance indicators and teacher observation analysis and feedback Draws connections between the observations and student experiences in relation to the instructional focus EDC 5630 does not include an assignment that requires you to gather feedback from the teacher you observed.
Commentary (1,000 words/ 2 single-spaced pgs.) The commentary is a personal analysis evaluating your own leadership skills in conducting the teacher observation, providing feedback to the teacher, and making recommendation for improvement. In the commentary you should: Identify what you did that worked well, what you could improve upon, and any adjustments you made to your leadership practices during the process. Reference examples from the pre-observation meeting, the classroom observation video, the pot-observation meeting video and feedback from the teacher. Your commentary should address your leadership skills and practices by answering the following: 1. How effectively did you prepare for and conduct the pre-observation meeting? 2. How did you develop rapport with, demonstrate respect for and engage the teacher in professional learning and feedback? 3. How did you use the district and/or state evaluation protocols? 4. How did you focus on and assess teaching practices? 5. How did your feedback engage the teacher in reflecting upon his/her own teaching 6. Practices, student learning and areas for improvement?
Additional things to know During the post-observation conference only you and the observed teacher should be present. The conference should be held in a quiet room where you will not be disturbed. Both you and the observed teacher must be visible in the video. No real names (district, school, teacher, student) should be used during the video recording. Clearly label all of the documents you upload. The scorers are trained to look for specific documents, and information within the documents. If you label everything they will have a much easier time finding things.