HIGHER EDUCATION IN EUROPE – AN OVERVIEW OF DEVELOPMENTS Sjur Bergan Head, Dept. of Higher Education and History Teaching Council of Europe
MAIN PURPOSES OF HIGHER EDUCATION Preparation for the labor market Preparation for life as active citizens in democratic societies Personal development Development and maintenance of a broad, advanced knowledge base
SOME KEY CHARACTERISTICS Development of common goals and policies: Bologna Process Increased demands for relevance to society No corresponding increase in public funding Mission of HE: teaching, research and service to society Division of labor between institutions Emphasis on quality HE not “once in a lifetime experience” Equal opportunities
EUROPEAN HIGHER EDUCATION AREA Process toward 2010 (Bologna Process) Actors: –Ministries of Education (currently 45 countries) –Higher education institutions –Students –International organizations
MAIN POINTS BOLOGNA Increase attractiveness Increase transparency Increase mobility Facilitate recognition Adapt HE to labor market Reform degree system Role of HE in democratic societies, especially SE Europe
MAIN POINTS PRAHA Democratic values Diversity of cultures and languages Diversity of higher education systems Higher education as a public good and public responsibility Student participation Lifelong learning Quality assurance
MAIN POINTS BERLIN New countries beyond EU framework Change access criteria –Cultural Convention –Requirement: outline reform policies and commitment Stock taking Research Qualifications framework
MAIN POINTS BERGEN Overarching qualifications framework Standards for quality assurance Social dimension External dimension Stocktaking Relationship HE policies/other areas of public policy Emphasis on implementation What about 2010?
TOWARD 2007: WORKING GROUPS Stock taking Qualifications framework “External dimension” Social dimension and academic mobility [London communiqué drafting group] Portability of student loans?
TOWARD 2007: NATIONAL LEVEL I Qualifications framework –Elaborate national QF by 2010, launch work by 2007 Quality assurance –Implement guidelines adopted in Bergen Social dimension –Commitment to equal access Mobility –Intensify efforts to lift obstacles
TOWARD 2007: NATIONAL LEVEL II Recognition –Ensure full implementation of the principles of the Lisboa Convention –National action plan –Joint degrees Stock taking –National report
THE CHALLENGE Define goals for HE in Albania in view of developments in Europe and beyond Take due account of the specific situation of Albania… …but not as an excuse for inaction Translate goals into legal provision and policies Gain support of actors (HEIs, students) and public Gain the confidence of international partners