New Students
What’s Expected? New Found Freedom Out of State Out of Country Out of Cache Valley Personal freedom is equally as important as personal responsibility.
USU Community Expected to treat and be treated with honesty, courtesy, tolerance and respect. Disagree without being disagreeable Different Values and backgrounds Be respectful Engage in meaningful discourse Enhance your life and others. Assume responsibility for YOUR education and behavior.
Classroom Conduct Is Connections a class? Arrive on time. Be prepared. Books, notes, paper writing supplies. Compete assigned readings, review notes, prepare questions. Turn off phones
Classroom Conduct Be present and in the moment. Don’t Do homework for other courses Read campus newspaper Carry on side conversations Chit/Chat
Classroom Conduct Cultivate/Establish relationships with faculty What do they expect of their students? Read the syllabus Attend every class Accept responsibility Submit high-quality work Turn assignments in on time Be on time and prepared Participate in discussions Visit during office hours Turn off cell phones
Classroom Civility What does “civility” mean? Regardless of intent, careless or ignorant; inappropriate remarks are offensive and detrimental to others. Personal right to feel comfortable in class. Offensive language and actions regarding ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. A-Team A-Team
Academic Honesty Maintain highest standards of academic honesty is expected. Steal a copy of the exam ahead of time. Copy someone’s paper. Send or receive signals during an exam. Use unauthorized notes during an exam. Take an exam for another student. Let another student take an exam for you. Hand in a paper you didn’t write.
Academic Honesty Plagiarism Is cheating. Proper credit is not given for someone else’s written work. Passing off other’s work as your own.
Elements of Success Wanting and doing are two very different things. Bridge the gap between desire and actual successful achievement. 5 Steps to Succeed
Attitude Combination of thoughts and feelings. How and why you’re here? How do you feel about being here? Are you here for you or someone else? Have your “own” reasons for attending. “Own” the decision to come to college. No right reason for attending. Reasons change over time due to events/ circumstances. Attitude determines how hard you’re willing to work. Applies to everyday life, not just school.
Experience & Ability Prior academic experience and ability. Do you agree or disagree? Do academically experienced students have an advantage? Is academic experience based only on academics? Can you be successful using skills from high school?
Experience & Ability Basic learning and life skills: Study smarter not harder. Manage your time. Set goals. Effectively communicate. Reflect.
Self Discipline Self-discipline + Effective time management = Success. Better able to handle increased new found freedom. Take care of your “whole” self. Physical, mental and emotional. Enhance and improve your existing skills.
Interpersonal Skills How we relate and get along with others? Grades measure satisfactory progress. Sense of well-being and accomplishments measure ability to make friends, relate and interact with others. Support network Who are they? Can’t succeed for you, but can support and rally.
Environment Learning environment Define it and set it up What does your environment look like? What should it look like? Same place and time Group or individual Distractions