Enterprise: management Job. Agricultural Law Original PowerPoint Created by Tony Anson Modified by Georgia Agricultural Education Curriculum Office June, 2002
Objective Learn about the different aspects of the law that effect you.
Why should you consult a competent attorney about legal matters? You should always consult an attorney when in question about legal matters because the fees are cheaper than a lawyer and they can develop a compromise.
List the 4 sources of law and how they come about. a.administrative ( Gov.) b.customs (stoning) c.judges d.lawmaking bodies
What is a contract? A contract is a legally enforceable arrangement between two parties.
What are the two types of contracts and explain each? a. expressed- states terms b. inferred - actions or conducts indicate intentions
What must be present to make a contract enforceable? must have be made between two or more competent parties have an offer and acceptance have sufficient consideration not offend policy or morals
What type of contracts must be in writing? agreements with commissions, if the contracts are for more than one year if there is a promise to be responsible for debts prenuptial sale of goods above certain value land leases
What is breach of contract? failure to comply with the terms of the contract
What is the packer and stockyard act? a federal act which: regulates the sale of livestock certifies scales requires livestock to be paid for 24 hrs after purchase
What is a float and how can you help reduce floats? A float is a check written using a distant bank. This enable the person to make money off of you. Demand cash or cashiers check.
List and explain the three types of leases. a.cash b.share c.manager operator or partnership lease
Cash fixed price for commodity
Share share in the commodity
Manager operator or Partnership Lease usually manager furnishes capital and leaser furnishers labor
What are you liable for with a machinery lease? making payments repairs maintenance providing shelter
What is negligence? the omission to do something that a responsible person would do
types of people who come onto your farm and liability invitee licensee trespasser
Invitee person on farm withonsent or benefit you have the duty to warn them of dangers and inspect properties of dangers
Licensee some on land for their own pleasure you need to warn them of any dangers you know of
Trespasser someone not invited or desired You are not liable for any injury unless you inflict.
Explain the Doctrine of Attractive Nuisance
List some common laws that affect the use of fences:
Explain responsibility of animals hit on the highway:
What is the law concerning strays
Why have a will?
And what are the consequences of dying without a will?