EA SEA-WAY Project WP5 Development of sustainable passenger transport models for the Adriatic basin and capacity building 2 ° Local Working Group Passenger Terminal Services & Infomobility Issues Shkodër, 3 rd March 2015
Optimal solution to be implemented Report on State of art on level of services among the Levante Port Authority ports (Bari – pax and freight, Barletta - freight, Monopoli - pax and probably Molfetta - freight); Adriatic Port Observatory of KPI; Evaluation of the feasibility of “Label Port for All” for accessibility of passengers with special needs; Report on Action Plan on Regional Transport and Logistic Plan toward EUSAIR strategy and CBC Programmes; Reverse Logistic garbage treatment for shipping CBC integration in Port Terminal Services requirements Passenger Terminal Services; Info-mobility related to the intermodal services along the ground sea air integration service with web based platform. LWG 1and2 Passenger Terminal Services and Infomobility Identified needs
Actual solution recommended/proposed Integration among similar existing platforms with a minimum common requirements; MoU to develop a label “ Ports for All” to allow the port use to passengers with special needs both for cruise and shipping lines at CBC level integrating UN standards; Adding of Reverse Logistic garbage treatment for shipping at CBC as priority in the project development and as minimum requirements for EUSAIR; Integration of Info-mobility platforms in an app related to the intermodal services along the ground sea air integration service with web-based platform; Cross Fertilization with other projects and experiences (as Corfu week); Mapping of needs and solutions involving the key operators and institutions. LWG 1and2 Passenger Terminal Services and Infomobility Identified needs
EA SEA-WAY Project WP6 Pilot actions: Improvement of Adriatic port system, its integration with hinterland and strengthening of intra-Adriatic connections Levante Port Authority Shkodër, 4 th March 2015
WP_6.1 Realization of physical infrastructures in the port of Monopoli related to the pax transport, both for RoRo and Cruise. Draft of the feasibility studies, the economic and technical feasibility, the mandatory technical documentation. Assested by Internal Technical Unit of LPA The infrastructural intervention in the port of Monopoli of a series of physical light infrastructures made by a series of boxes creating a basic passenger terminal with Customs and Police Stations, Embarking and disembarking Hall, Ticketing point, Restroom. Public tender launched and closed
WP_6.2 Establishment of a new “short-sea fast ferry” line across Adriatic for Pax connecting Western and Eastern ports, namely Monopoli and Ploce. Identification of possible round trip schedule and feasibility analysis for implementing short-sea fast ferry line from Monopoli to Ploce Start-up of a pilot maritime international passenger transport service resulting from the feasibility analysis
WP_6.3 Integration of Adriatic ports with hinterland and improved services for passengers. Enhancing transport connections from ports with inland Feasibility Study to stimulate multimodal person travels, including new ICT solutions for infomobility and integrated ticketing, real time check-in and tracking for pax and vehicles Innovative ICT solution at CB level to test, namely a shared IT platform at EUSAIR level “Seamless Adriatic PaxFlow