Orienting Agency Leads for Fund Mapping evidence2success Strategic Financing
2 Participants will achieve the following: Understand what fund mapping is Understand how fund-map data can be used to inform agency work and the development of a collaborative financing plan Understand key data fields in the fund-map tool and practice applying them Review, provide feedback on, and agree to a workplan for collection of fund-map data Objectives
Community board Strategic use of data Comprehensive financing strategies Tested, effective programs Performance measures 3 ~20 members Systems Neighbor- hood Community YES data Admin data Map funds Align investment priorities Fidelity Monitoring CQI Dashboard Program-level Pop.-level The Evidence2Success Framework
Our Work to Date
6 Investing Smarter for Greater Returns Investing in what we know works Investing efficiently – in services that provide the most benefit per dollar spent Coordinating investments in shared priorities Reducing remedial spending by investing on front end Leveraging new public and private dollars to scale and sustain programs and infrastructure Think About … The data systems in your agency: What drives what data is collected? To what extent do the data you collect inform how resources are invested? What are the limitations that make it hard to use data to invest smarter? What works well in the process?
A process of gathering and analyzing budget and program data to understand how investments align with priorities Brings together program, budget and administrative data to help leaders look critically at current investments Collaboratively developed by multiple public agencies Can aggregate info across agencies to focus on key populations, programmatic or outcome areas Specific parameters tailored to local priorities and data capacity What is Fund Mapping? 7
Developing a Strategic Financing Plan Community partnership identifies priority programs and needed supporting infrastructure based on assessment data. 1. What are your financing goals? Finance workgroup develops cost estimates for implementing programs and supporting infrastructure. 2. What financial resources do you need to implement those goals? Finance lead coordinates development of fund map information and partners review fund map data for opportunities for redirection. 3. What resources do you have? Finance workgroup identifies financing strategies to support implementation with input from E2S partnership 4. What financing strategies will you implement? Finance workgroup develops work plan 5. How will you implement financing strategies?
Fund Mapping Tool What resources do you have? Web-based tool with data templates for public agencies –School system –Public health –Child welfare –Juvenile Justice –City/County –Mental health/substance abuse
Fund Mapping Tool What resources do you have? Data templates for all public agencies collect three main categories of data 1) Key agency expenditures –Aligned with E2S outcomes –Deep-end spending –Prevention spending 2) Community-based contract spending 3) Investments in Blueprints programs
Fund Mapping Tool What resources do you have? Built-in analytics to easily run individual agency or cross- agency analyses of expenditures by: –Outcome area –Level of intervention –Program area –Evidence-based programs
12 How the Fund-Mapping Process Works R&PF Finance Lead Provides Fund-Map Link to Each Agency Agencies Enter Spending and Program Data Finance Lead Can Easily Run Analyses of Cross-Agency Spending
13 Fund Mapping Helps Individual Agencies Review Investments … R&PF Individual Agency What am I spending per participant on contracted programs and services? What do I know about how effective services are? How much am I spending on prevention versus remediation? What are the range of investments I am making in one outcome area? One program area? Individual Agency analysis: Can help leaders invest smarter within their agencies Identify opportunities for redirection toward shared priorities
14 Fund Mapping Provides Foundation for Collaborative Financing Plan… R&PF Partner Agency Review for Redirection Opportunities
Understanding Fund Mapping: Key Points What resources do you have? The tool asks for aggregate participant and spending data Each agency will only have access to their own agency data The Finance Lead will have access to all data entered We can continue to enter data in future years and generate trend data We will reconvene after the initial data collection and analysis to consider ongoing use of tool
Fund Mapping Tool What resources do you have? Questions?
How Do We Use The Fund Map Tool? What resources do you have? On-Line Tool Demo –Accessing the Tool –Organization of Tool –Types of Data –Data Entry Options –Analytics
How Do We Use The Fund Map Tool? What resources do you have? Categorizing fields in Fund Map Tool –Program Type –Outcome –Level of Intervention –Level of Evidence –Blueprint Program Activity –Review the programs on page 1 –Categorize them in the grid on page 2 –Use the information on pages 3 – 5 to help
21 1) Community-Based Contracts Who in your agency will be responsible for categorizing contracts: –program area –outcome area –level of intervention –level of evidence –Blueprints program Planning for Fund Mapping: Key Issues to Consider
22 2. Investments in Blueprints Programs Community-based contracts form asks you to indicate for each contract whether it supports a program from the Blueprints database. The Investments in Blueprints Programs form asks you to indicate if your agency is supporting implementation of Blueprints programs outside of your community-based contracts. How will you approach collection of this data? Planning for Fund Mapping: Key Issues to Consider
23 3) What is the most recent fiscal year for which you have data available? Homework: Geographic focus –Can you disaggregate data for (fill in your city/county and zip codes that fall within them)? –Can you disaggregate data for (fill in your selected neighborhoods and zip codes that fall within them)? Planning for Fund Mapping: Key Issues to Consider
Strategies to Help Ensure Timely Data Collection Keep your leadership updated and make sure leadership communicate to data staff that collection of this data is a priority If it is not already on the calendar, set a date for review of the analysis with agency stakeholders Take the time to sit down and walk through data fields with staff who will be collecting to ensure they understand Your thoughts??
25 Proposed Timeline for Completing Fund Mapping Step 1 Design Fund Map Identify and orient agency leads Month 1 Step 2 Collect Fund-Map Data Tailor templates and enter data Months Step 3 Analyze and Report Fund- Map Data Analyze data, hold agency meetings & convene finance subcommittee Months Step 4: Plan for Ongoing Data Collection Reconvene this group to share lessons learned and develop plan for ongoing data collection Month 7
26 Schedule a time to talk with (fill in name) (before you leave today). Include staff who will be entering data from your agency on that call if possible Schedule meeting to share fund map analysis with agency leaders (if not already scheduled) Finalize your plan for who will collect data and the timelines you will give them Share your plan with your secretary/commissioner and ask for their support in communicating with data staff if needed Coordinate data entry over next 2 months Work with (fill in name) on data analysis and agenda for meeting to share data Your Charge