Enterprise Asset Management SIG Prepared by: Benjamin Brown Corporate Maintenance Services Manager Martin Marietta Materials EAM Annual InFocus SIG Meeting Session ID#: #JDEINFOCUS
Agenda ■Summary of EAM SIG Activities / Benefits ■Discussion of Website ■Leadership Transition Proposal ■Introductions / New Business
What is the Enterprise Asset Management SIG?
EAM Activities / Benefits ■Monthly webcast / conference calls E1 Pages CAT SIS to WO Parts List Customized Interfaces WO Time Entry Options Rebuilt Spare Parts in Inventory WO Cost Tracking Supply/Demand & Café One Café One Resource Assignments & Planning JDE Labs & Internet of Things
EAM Activities / Benefits ■Monthly webcast / conference calls ■Selects/Recruits speakers for InFocus ■Group of users using similar applications in a variety of industries ■Access to Oracle to suggest improvements
Quest EAM SIG Homepage
Quest Enhancement Requests
Leadership Proposal ■Move to “Incoming President” / “President” / “Past President” model ■One year terms that follow the InFocus Calendar Perceived Benefits: ■Stability in Leadership ■Ease of Transition ■Known Period of Commitment ■Additional Resources Available to Help ■Contingency for Unanticipated Vacancies ■Fresh Ideas and “New Blood”
Proposed SIG Call Schedule ■Continue schedule of 2 nd Thursday every month at 2 PM EST ■Annual EAM SIG Meeting at InFocus: August ■EAM Functional Demo: September, January, May ■Oracle Presentation - Collaborate News, JDE Labs, Success Stories: November, April ■Customer Presentation(s): February, June ■Open Topic: March, July ■Quest SIG Experience Week: October ■No meeting: December
Introductions / New Business ■Introduce yourself ▪Name / Organization / Title / JDE Release Version ■Agree w/ proposed changes to leadership structure / calendar? ■Top enhancement request? ■Topics that you’d like to see covered in SIG meetings this year? ■Are you willing to contribute time / presentations / future leadership to the SIG? ■Anything you’d like to add not discussed?
Introductions / New Business ■Michele Wilson, Ledcor, Financial Service Manager ■Enhancements: ▪Fair Market Value Mass Update ▪Equipment Rate Mass Update ■Topics: None pressing ■Contribute: Sadly no
Introductions / New Business ■Hugo Pascal, AgincoEagle Mines, Financial Service Manager ■Enhancements: ▪Release whole PO in P43060 rather than line by line ▪Print media object attachments with reports ■Topics: Mobile Devices ■Contribute: Yes
Introductions / New Business ■Introduce yourself ▪Name / Organization / Title / JDE Release Version ■Agree w/ proposed changes to leadership structure / calendar? ■Top enhancement request? ■Topics that you’d like to see covered in SIG meetings this year? ■Are you willing to contribute time / presentations / future leadership to the SIG? ■Anything you’d like to add not discussed?
Save the Dates April 2-6, 2017 Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino Las Vegas, NV August 14-16, 2017 Sheraton Downtown Denver Denver, CO
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