Democs Bioenergy
Learning outcomes You will be able to: To discuss the ethical and social issues around bioenergy To understand how bioenergy affects different areas of society To form your own opinions on bioenergy
Facts and Figures To help combat climate change the UK has a target to reduce carbon emissions by 80% by % of the UK renewable energy could come from biomass heat and electricity by To meet the European Renewable Energy Directive, the UK is aiming for 10% of transport energy to be from renewable sources by UK feedstocks made up 18% of the sustainable renewable road transport fuel used in the UK between April 2012 and April 2013.
What is bioenergy? Bioenergy - general term for any way of using biological materials to produce energy. Biofuels - renewable liquid or gaseous transport fuel made from plants or animal material. Biofuels are renewable as fresh supplies of plants and the by-products used to make them can be produced as needed.
How to play 1.Read and answer questions about bioenergy. 2.Read the story cards and list the views and concerns of the characters. 3.Pick 2 information cards you think are important and discuss why. 4.Pick 2 issue cards that you think your character would think is important and discuss why. 5.Identify which cluster your issue cards fit into and discuss which cluster you think your character would think is most important. 6.Fill in a ‘Making choices in the real world’ sheet. 7.Discuss which cluster is most important to YOU and why.
1. Read through “What is bioenergy” a. What is bioenergy? b. What is the difference between waste and residue? c. What are biofuels? How do biofuels differ to fossil fuels? d. What challenges can biofuels help tackle? e. How are biofuels renewable? f. What does the term ‘carbon neutral’ mean? g. What are the three main biofuels? 2. Answer questions a- e in your groups T HE R EADING R OUND 10 MINS
T HE S TORY R OUND 1. Shuffle the pink story cards and deal them out to each player. Read each one and take it in turns to read it out to your group. 2. Make a list of the views and concerns of each character as a group.
S1 – Farmer S2 – Climate change campaigner S3 – Environmental campaigner in Brazil S4 – Retired science teacher S5 – Coordinator of an EU-funded biofuels project S6 – MD of a small bioethanol company S7 – Farmer Characters
15 MINS 1. Shuffle the green cards and give them out Pick 2 that you think are important and discuss why. T HE I NFO R OUND
15 MINS 1.Shuffle the blue cards and deal them out and choose 2. BUT this time choose ones that you think your story character would think are important. T HE D ISCUSSION R OUND 2. Take on the role of your story character and take it in turns to discuss what they would think of the issue – remember to stay in character.
1. Taking the issues that you chose, identify which cluster the cards fit into. These are: Affordable transport for people and freight Food security for all Justice for the poor Providing a livelihood for local people Maintaining local ecology (soil, nutrients, biodiversity, etc) Reducing global warming 25 MINS T HE C LUSTER B IT 2. Take it in turns to share which cluster you think your story character would think is most important?
T HE V OTING R OUND We want to know what YOU think. Each fill in the “making choices in the real world” sheet. Discuss which cluster is most important to YOU and why. 15 MINS
Learning outcomes You will be able to: To discuss the ethical and social issues around bioenergy To understand how bioenergy affects different areas of society To form your own opinions on bioenergy