BIOMASS FORMATION The basic model of take up and accumulation of the solar power is the one that there carry out the plant green species the only energetic renewable source that carries likewise a storage in the shape of energy of high quality: the chemical energy. This process has supported the life in the Earth to the present day in the shape of organic matter, which turns out to be a stored solar power and is named a " energy of the biomass ".
NATURAL TYPES OF RESOURCES Resources can be of two types: "The resources that are renewable like solar and wind. "The non-renewable are those that exist in fixed amounts on Earth and take millions of years to regenerate as fossil fuels.
FROM BIOMASS The training of alive matter or biomass from the solar light is carried out by the process named photosynthesis thanks to which there take place big molecules of contained energetic high place (in the shape of chemical energy), whose cost of storage is void and, at first, without losses.
WHAT IS IT ? Biomass is any organic material from plants or animals. In domestic biomass resources are derived from agricultural and forestry residues, municipal solid wastes, industrial wastes, and terrestrial and aquatic crops grown solely for energy purposes
What are biofuels? Vegetable oils represent a large group of biofuels that can replace fossil fuels, either directly or through some complex chemical transformations. What are the alcoholics fuels? Alcohols are most currently used biofuels in some countries, both to provide an outlet for agricultural surpluses alcohol convertible into financial difficulties in the importation of fossil fuels.
What is composting? Composting, the controlled fermentation of organic waste for compost, is a waste processing cheap and very useful in areas of the world with poor agricultural soils. Commodity of the process comes from municipal solid waste (MSW), manure and sewage sludge. For MSW, treatment should be envisaged separation of the organic fraction, and the elimination of the final rejection of composting in a landfill or incinerator
What is What is biogas? a digestor? What is What is biogas? a digestor? AA device that allows carrying out the controlled anaerobic degradation of organic waste for biogas and other utility products. AAAA mixture of methane and other gases that evolved during the anaerobic degradation of organic matter by the action of microorganisms.
The agricultural and forestry biomass is an important economic potential especially in the tropics and subtropics, since such conditions are most suitable for the development of plants. The photosynthetic organisms, both terrestrial and marine, can be regarded as continuous converters of solar energy, and therefore renewable organic matter. The plants through photosynthesis annually set an amount of carbon equivalent in energy to joules, or approximately 10 times the world energy consumption approximately 200 times the energy consumed as food.
TThe biomass in the renewable source of greatest potential in Spain and quantified using resources 25'7 Mtoe. (million tonnes oil equivalent), equivalent to an amount greater than all the energy consumption of the Spanish industry. However, government plans to spend just to "stay where we are" though officials point out some usable resources of 10 Mtoe. / Year, the authorities lack the political will to stop throwing away all that potential energy and the Plan national energy refers only to the use of 2.8 Mtoe. In the year 2000.
The biomass in the world Although our country has carried out between 1996 and 1990 a total of 235 facilities for the use of biomass, we are still far from achieving the level of France, the leader of the EC in which six million households use wood as a heat source, or Denmark, where a plant burns 28,000 tons of straw annually to produce 13 MW. electricity. In Brazil, some 2,000,000 vehicles run on almost pure alcohol, derived from the cultivation of sugar cane, and 8,000,000 more use a mixture of gasoline and alcohol
Advantages RRRRenewable SSSStores energy VVVVersatile conversion IIIIt can be applied LLLLow environmental impact IIIIt increases the CO2
1. C ompetition for land use for food. 2. C ost-Uncertainty 3. R equirements for water and soil fertilizer 4. A ppeal of low energy density and transportation problems
-- increase its use. -To promote rural industrialization. -To promote the new energy crops. -Give priority to its use in transportation. -Promote the facilities to produce small costs. -To promote agricultural machinery industries. Foster-technology industries using biomass