CEC Legislative Recommendations 2016
Education Appropriations Recommendations CEC urges Congress to: Provide $12.9 billion to fully fund IDEA’s Part B Program in the FY 2017 appropriations bills. Provide $1.12 billion for IDEA’s Preschool Program and $1.02 billion in IDEA’s Early Intervention Program in the FY 2017 appropriations bills. Provide $853.9 million for IDEA’s Part D Program in the FY 2017 appropriations bills. Invest at least $70 million in the National Center for Special Education Research Center in the U. S. Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences in the FY 2017 appropriations bills. Provide $20 million for the Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act in the FY 2017 appropriations bills.
School and Community Based Mental Health Recommendations CEC urges Congress to: Support legislative policies that require an interdisciplinary approach that reinforces a partnership between education, juvenile justice, mental health, social welfare, and community engagement systems. Support legislative policies that require implementation of evidence-based practices that address prevention, social-emotional learning strategies and programs and response, while ameliorating the stigma associated with mental health challenges. Support legislative policies that require a focus on the effect of mental health challenges on students' social, educational, and employment outcomes with solutions that have proven effective. Support legislative policies that remedy the national lack of access to mental health services through both health insurance as well as school- based supports available to children and families experiencing trauma, toxic stress, and mental health challenges.
Early Childhood Education Recommendations CEC urges Congress to: Increase investment in services and supports for young children with disabilities and their families through provision of: $1.02 billion in funding for IDEA's Part C Early Intervention Program; and $1.12 billion in funding for IDEA's Part B, Preschool Special Education Program (Section 619). Increase the availability of high-quality early learning opportunities for all young children starting at birth, including children with disabilities. These legislative efforts must focus on ensuring access and necessary supports and services to allow young children with disabilities to fully participate and thrive in newly expanded preschool programs.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Recommendations CEC urges Congress to: Support the core purposes of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Identify the successes and challenges in the implementation of IDEA. Collaborate with CEC and other stakeholders in the upcoming reauthorization of IDEA.
School Choice Recommendations CEC urges Congress to: Support state and local education agencies’ ability to provide school choice options within the public school system where taxpayer funds receive the maximum accountability. Oppose all private school voucher programs (including tax credits, taxpayer savings grants/scholarships, and portability) for all students, including students with disabilities, as contrary to the best interests of students and their families, the public school system, local communities, and taxpayers.
Higher Education Act Recommendations CEC urges Congress to: Require teacher preparation programs to train all future educators to address the needs of students with disabilities and gifts and talents. Emphasize high-quality clinical experiences for teacher candidates to demonstrate their content and pedagogical knowledge prior to program completion (e.g., edTPA) in all teacher preparation programs. Address the chronic shortages in special education through well-funded student loan forgiveness and scholarship programs (e.g., the TEACH Grant Program). Ensure that accountability measures for teacher preparation programs do not rely on value-added measures of teachers once in the classroom, as they are not valid or reliable. Increase postsecondary education opportunities for students with disabilities by creating new and sustaining existing programs, including the Transition and Postsecondary Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (TPSID), to: increase access, recruitment, existing retention, and completion rates for students with disabilities; identify and promote effective transition practices; and increase access to instructional materials and dissemination of best practices related to postsecondary students with disabilities.
Carl D. Perkins Act Recommendations CEC urges Congress to: Build pre-service and in-service career and technical education personnel knowledge and skill sets to effectively serve youth with disabilities in the Perkins reauthorization bill. Strengthen career and technical education counseling services for youth with disabilities in the Perkins reauthorization bill. Increase opportunities for work-based training models to accommodate students with disabilities who are significantly challenged in the Perkins reauthorization bill. Strengthen access to guidance and career exploration curriculum for students with disabilities in the Perkins reauthorization bill. Maintain strong partnerships via alignment with the Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act (WIOA) in the Perkins reauthorization bill.
Special Education Research Recommendations CEC urges Congress to: Increase the authorization levels in the Strengthening Education Through Research Act (SETRA) in both the Senate and House reauthorization bills of the Education Sciences Reform Act. Invest at least $70 million for FY 2017 in the National Center for Special Education Research Center (NCSER) in the U. S. Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences to ensure access to evidence-based instructional strategies for children and youth with disabilities in schools across the nation.
Gifted Education Recommendations CEC urges Congress to: Support an investment of $20 million for the Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act to support research and development in identifying and serving students with gifts and talents, particularly from underserved populations. Support legislative policies which focus on underserved populations, appropriate assessments and accountability systems, expanded professional development, and emphasis on research and dissemination.