1 Introducing Healthy Relationships - Internal Deck
2 Connecting the Dots Character Healthy Relationships Social-Emotional Self-Awareness Managing Emotions Compassion Values Ethical Decisions Communication Caring for Others
3 Definitions Healthy Relationships Education: Healthy Relationships refers to the set of behaviors and communication skills that leads to positive relationship modeling, and also preventing coercion, violence, or abuse, including teen and dating violence, stalking, domestic abuse, and sexual violence and harassment. Social-Emotional Learning: SEL is the process by which individuals come to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. Character Education: Character Education is more of a philosophy of practice than a specific program. Incorporating pieces of social-emotional learning, positive youth development, and service learning, it aims to permeate school climate with values of justice, diligence, compassion, respect, and courage. 3
4 Our Subject Matter Experts Alan Berkowitz, Ph.D. ValidationRelevanceEfficacy
5 Policy Landscape: Character Education Mandates 23 states mandate character education 20 states encourage it The remaining 7 support it However, schools are not resourced to provide SEL to students in a meaningful way at scale. Only half of teachers receive some form of SEL training, and 4 in 5 teachers report interest in receiving further training on SEL.
6 Policy Landscape: Healthy Relationships Education Mandates 6 22 states mandate healthy relationships education
7 Focus Group Demographics Twelve children in 7th grade Fourteen children in 8th grade Grade Fifteen girls Eleven boys Gender Thirteen families making less than $50K Twelve families making more than $50K HHI* 18 Hispanic students 7 African American students 2 Caucasian student Ethnicity *One family opted out of providing HHI PlayScience, a NY-based customer experience research firm, conducted interviews with children in either 7 th or 8 th grade. Using a friendship pair interviewing method, they investigated children’s reactions to the scenarios and visual concepts of the Healthy Relationships course. In total, eleven interviews were conducted in PlayScience’s NYC PlayLab, with a total of 26 children, each of which lasted approximately 90 minutes. During each session, children were lead through scenarios and visuals from the learning course.
8 Key Focus Group Findings Summary Teens find difficult social situations more compelling than simple ones. Difficult problems to talk about such as online bullying or coming between arguing friends are more interesting to teens than “simple” problems such as expressing emotion and making plans. 7 th and 8 th graders want to live in the present. Themes and characters that remind them of their current day-to-day life speak strongly to middle school children. They liked the locker home page because they have recently obtained lockers. Characters should look the same age as them and dress just like them. The overall topic is interesting. In general, teens tended to think that the modules overall sounded like things that they or friends had experienced.
9 Citations 1 Bradshaw, Catherine P. et al. “Teachers’ and Education Support Professionals’ Perspectives on Bullying and Prevention: Findings From a National Education Association Study.” School psychology review 42.3 (2013): 280–297. Print. 2 Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning. (2003). Safe and sound: An educational leader’s guide to evidence-based social and emotional learning programs. Chicago: Author. 3 “Truth About Abuse Survey.” Mary Kay, October