Physical Development in Late Adulthood Chapter 17
Physical Development - in Late Adulthood Life Expectancy and Life Span The average life expectancy of individuals born today in the US is 78.7 Sixty-five years olds in US can expect to live an average of 18.6 more years for females for males
Physical Development - in Late Adulthood Life Expectancy For African Americans is 75 For Latinos 81 Whites is 79 Latino women is 84 White women, 81 African women, 78 White men 76 African American men, 72 Overall women 81.1 Overall men 76.3
Physical Development - in Late Adulthood Life Expectancy In Virtually all species, females outlive males Women have more resistance to infections and degenerative disease Centenarians-Individuals 100 years and older Increasing at a rate of approximately 7 percent each year
Physical Development - in Late Adulthood Young-old (65-85) Potential for physical and cognitive fitness Higher levels of emotional well-being More effective strategies for mastering the gains and losses of old age Oldest-old (85 years and older) Mostly female and widowed Live alone if they are not institutionalized Many have cognitive impairments 1/4 are institutionalized and many report some limitation of activity or difficulties in caring for themselves Functional age-The person's actual ability to function
Physical Development - in Late Adulthood Aging Brain The brain loses 5-10 percent of its weight between the ages of 20 to 90 General slowing of function in brain and spinal cord Physical coordination and intellectual performance are affected Declines in memory functioning Severe reductions in the production of dopamine have been linked with age-related diseases characterized by a loss of motor control, such as Parkinson's disease
Physical Development - in Late Adulthood Sleep 50% or more complain of having difficulty sleeping Poor sleep is a risk factor for falls, obesity, a lower level of cognitive functioning, and earlier death Many sleep problems associated with health problems
Physical Development - in Late Adulthood Sleep strategies Avoiding caffeine Avoiding over the counter sleep remedies Staying physically active during the day Staying mentally active Limiting naps Regular exercise
Physical Development - in Late Adulthood Immune System Extended duration of stress and diminished restorative processes... May accelerate the effect of aging on immunity Malnutrition linked to deterioration of immune system Exercise can improve immune system Vaccination against influenza is especially important in older adults
Physical Development - in Late Adulthood Physical Appearance and movement Shorter height due to bone loss in vertebrae Weight usually drops after age 60, likely due to muscle loss..... Which also gives bodies a 'sagging' look Regular walking decreases physical disability and reduces functional limitations in older adults
Physical Development - in Late Adulthood Vision Visual acuity, color vision, and depth perception decline Cataracts A Thickening of the lens of the eye that causes vision to become cloudy, opaque, and distorted Glaucoma Damage to the optic nerve because of the pressure created by a buildup of fluid in the eyes
Physical Development - in Late Adulthood Hearing 63% of adults 70 years and older had a hearing loss, especially for higher frequencies Hearing loss in older adults linked to declines in activities of daily living, cognitive functioning, and language
Physical Development - in Late Adulthood Smell and Taste Most older adults lose some of their sense of smell or taste or both Research: greater decline in sense of smell than in taste
Physical Development - in Late Adulthood Touch and Pain Changes in touch and pain sensitivity are associated with aging Research: individuals could detect touch less in the lower extremities (ankles, knees, etc) Pain complaints for back pain (40%) PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHIC PAIN (35%) CHRONIC JOINT PAIN (15 TO 25 PERCENT) WOMEN ARE MORE LIKELY TO REPORT HAVING PAIN THAN ARE MEN Some have decrease in pain processing.... Although decreased sensitivity to pain can help older adults cope with disease and injury... It can also mask injuries and illnesses that need to be treated
Physical Development - in Late Adulthood Circulatory and Respiratory Systems Cardiovascular disorders increase in late adulthood Consistent blood pressures above 120/80 should be treated to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, or kidney disease Study: diminished exercise capacity and lack of walking were the best predictors of earlier death with heart problems Lung capacity drops 40% between the ages of 20 and 80, even when disease is not present
Physical Development - in Late Adulthood Sexuality Can be lifelong.... but aging can induce changes in sexual performance More in males than in females Mostly related to health in middle and late adulthood Many older women's husbands have died Many older men are in relationships with younger women
Physical Development - in Late Adulthood Health Problems More Chronic diseases-Those with a slow onset and a long duration Heart conditions (52%) DIABETES (34%) Asthma (27%) Conflict in relationships & low income linked to health problems
Physical Development - in Late Adulthood Causes of Death Nearly 60% of US adults (65 to 74) die of cancer or cardiovascular disease In 75-older, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause African Americans have high death rates for stroke, heart disease, lung cancer and female breast cancer
Physical Development - in Late Adulthood Arthritis Inflammation of the joints that is accompanied by pain, stiffness, and movement problems Osteoporosis A chronic condition that involves an extensive loss of bone tissue and is the main reason many older adults walk with a marked stoop Related to deficiencies in calcium, vitamin D, and estrogen, and lack of exercise
Physical Development - in Late Adulthood Accidents Unintended injuries are the ninth leading cause of death among older adults Injuries from a fall or traffic accident are common Fracture in the hip from a fall are most common in women..... Half of these adults die within 12 months... Frequently from pneumonia 2/3 of those who fall are likely to fall again in the next six months
Physical Development - in Late Adulthood Substance Use and Abuse Older adults are often taking multiple medications.....which can increase the risks associated with consuming alcohol or other drugs Binge drinking (4 or more drinks for women, 5 or more for men on one occasion in the past 30 days).....frequency is high among older adults Moderate drinking of red wine is linked to better health and increased longevity
Physical Development - in Late Adulthood Exercise Linked to healthier and happier lives But older adults have increased their exercise only slightly... Mostly due to chronic illnesses, life crises, embarrassment at being around others who are in better shape... And for many...."Why Bother" Research: It is never too late.
Physical Development - in Late Adulthood Nutrition and Weight - Three important aspects in improving health and extending life: Getting adequate nutrition Avoiding overweight and obesity Role of calorie restriction
Physical Development - in Late Adulthood Health Treatment Because Older adults live longer... Disease management and demands of health services needs to be expanded.....and we may begin to have shortages in many types of health care professionals
Physical Development - in Late Adulthood Development of alternative home and community- based care has decreased the percentage of older adults who live in nursing homes Many are seriously deficient 23% of adults 85 and over are in nursing homes