C AREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION A LIFETIME LEARNING EXPERIENCE GCBOE Work Session Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2013 Dr. Rhinnie B. Scott, Director
P ROGRAM OF OPERATIONS CTE Clusters (Local Program Offerings) Kuder Assessment ( Student Interests ) Regional Workforce Demands ( Available Employment Opportunities) An Analysis of Clusters, Student Interests, & Regional Workforce Demands ClusterKuder Interest Regional Workforce Human Services53Yes Business, Management… 36Yes Government & Administration 28Yes Agricultural, Food and Natural Resources 20Yes Health Science24Yes Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security 26Yes Arts, Audio-Video Technology and Communications 30Yes Marketing36Yes Finance36Yes Education and Training 38Yes
C ERTIFICATIONS AND CREDENTIALS Instructional Certifications Business Industry Re-certification (Agri-construction Program and Environmental & Natural Resources Program) Industry Credentials Analysis of Professional Credentials ProgramInstructional Certificate BIC Program (State Department) Industry Credential for Teacher Family Studies & Community Services Yes Yes (Serve Safe) CosmetologyYes Yes (Barbicide & Alabama State Board of Cosmetology Business, Management and Administration Yes Yes (Microsoft Office Specialist) Agri-constructionYes Yes (Serve Safe and Associate General Contractor Environmental and Natural Resources No JROTC I-IIYes Not Applicable JROTC III-IVYes Not Applicable Business – CMSNoYesNot applicable Business – PJHSYes Not Applicable
C OMPLIANCE R EVIEWS SACS Re- certification (Greene County Career Center) Comprehensive Monitoring (Career Tech Ed.) Business Industry Re-certification Compliance Reviews Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Comprehensive Monitoring Business and Industry Certification
P ROPOSED BUDGET PROJECTS Carl D. Perkins Operation and Maintenance (noncapital) Operation and Maintenance (major equipment) Instructional Supplies Proposed Fundraisers Funding Source for Carl D. Perkins - $29, Career tech Bond Issue - $103, Career Tech Operation and Maintenance - $19, Instructional Supplies - $300.00/unit Proposed Fundraisers (As Approved by Superintendent) Cosmetology Classes – Assistance w/purchase of Student Owned Supplies/Bag Others as requested by instructors
C OLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS Career Coach CTE Counselor Program Completers Credentialing Articulation Credits Embedded Credits Follow-up Assistance CCR Opportunities Available to Students OpportunitySynopsis Career Coach See Handout “A” CTE Counselor Provides general career counseling services, including portfolio development and follow- up assistance Program Completion Earns three credits in a career program which is two credits beyond the prerequisite course Credentialing Passes the program credential application to program of study and career interest Embedded Credit Earns college credit in CTE courses while still enrolled in high school Articulation Credit Earns college credit in a community college in program of study while in high school Follow-up Assistance Collaborate with students three years beyond graduation to offer assistance in employment or educational training
S TUDENT C REDENTIALING Cosmetology (Barbicide) Thirty-three students out of thirty five certified in August Business, Management, & Administration (MOS) TBA
N EXT STEPS Fully align the CTE Cluster/Program offerings to the Regional Workforce Needs Fully align the four year plan of every students to courses leading to career pathway Recertify the programs scheduled for BIC Recertify in SACS Recertify in Comprehensive Monitoring Upgrade equipment needs Increase number of students earning credentials All teachers satisfying certification and credentials