CN1260 Client Operating System Kemtis Kunanuraksapong MSIS with Distinction MCT, MCITP, MCTS, MCDST, MCP, A+
Agenda Chapter 5: Troubleshooting Hardware Issues Quiz Exercise
Troubleshooting Hardware Devices Every time you turn on a computer, the computer goes through the power-on self-test (POST), which initializes hardware and finds an operating system to load
ROM BIOS Firmware that control hardware and software To overcome some problems, flashing BIOS with newer firmware is required
Windows Memory Diagnostic Memory problems can be caused by faulty RAM or a faulty motherboard Special tools are needed to confirm the faulty part ▫Memory Diagnostic Tool in W7 and Vista ▫Third parties software You can run it right away or on next boot
Power Problems No running fans, lights, sounds, or signs of movement when you attempt to start the computer ▫Faulty component If your computer reboots before completing boot up or shuts down before boot ▫Verify that power supply can deliver enough power to all of your devices
Testing Drives Disk errors during POST ▫When a drive cannot be found during boot up ▫Faulty drive, drive cable, or controller Tools to check disks ▫Error-checking tool Chkdsk command ▫Defragmentation tool ▫See Figure 5-1 on Page 107
Disk Defragmenter Fragmentation Disk Defragmenter ▫Rearranges fragmented data so your disks and drives can work more efficiently ▫Disk Defragmenter runs on a schedule or manually ▫See Figure 5-2 on Page 108
Troubleshooting Ports, Video, and Sound Replace with known good hardware Verify that the cables or connections are in good condition
Devices and Device Drivers Device drivers ▫Programs that control a device Plug and Play (PnP) ▫a technology that allows you to install or connect a device, have the device automatically recognized and configured with the appropriate driver installed
Device Resources Interrupt request (IRQ) line numbers ▫A signal sent by a device to get the attention of the processor when the device is ready to accept or send information ▫Each device must be assigned a unique IRQ number Direct memory access (DMA) channels ▫Memory access that does not involve the processor Input/output (I/O) port addresses Memory address ranges
Signed Driver A device driver that includes a digital signature Passed WHQL Sigverif.exe A driver that lacks a valid digital signature, or was altered after it was signed, cannot be installed on 64-bit versions If you have problems with a device driver, you should only download drivers from Microsoft’s update website or the manufacturer’s website
Devices and Printers Folders A quick view of all the devices currently connected to your computer that you can connect or disconnect through a port or network connection ▫Mobile devices such as music players, digital cameras, USB devices, and network devices DOES NOT include items installed inside your computer ▫Internal disk drives ▫Expansion cards / RAM See Figure 5-3 on Page 111
Device Manager A graphical view of the hardware that is installed With Device Manager ▫Can enable, disable, or uninstall the device, roll back the previous version of the driver, identify the device driver including its version, and change hardware configuration settings ▫See Figure 5-4 on Page 112 ▫See Figure 5-5 on Page 113
Device Manager (Cont.) A downward pointing black arrow indicates a disabled device. A black exclamation point (!) on a yellow field indicates the device is in a problem state Under Other devices, it shows devices are listed as an unknown device ▫Means the driver is not loaded or Windows can’t find its driver
Assignment Submit these before class over on Thursday ▫Fill in the blank ▫Multiple Choice ▫True / False Submit these before class start on Monday ▫Lab 5 ▫Case Scenario 5-1 and 5-2