November 9, 2015 Meeting Materials “The mission of the Boston Green Ribbon Commission is to convene leaders from Boston’s key sectors to support the outcomes of the City’s Climate Action Plan.”
Introduction of New GRC Members
N EW GRC M EMBERS Alex Liftman, Global Environmental Executive, Bank of America Peter Hamill, Vice President and General Manager, Turner Construction
M EETING A GENDA 1:00Welcome and Introduction of New Members Framing the GRC 5 th Anniversary – Mindy Lubber 1:10Presentation by John Holdren, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy GRC Member Q&A 1:40Remarks by Mayor Walsh Carbon Cup Presentation 1:55What Will it Take to Achieve Our Long-Term De-carbonization Goals? Electricity Supply Transportation Buildings 2:50GRC Updates 3:00 Adjourn
F OCUS OF THE GRC N OVEMBER 9 A GENDA Boston Climate Action Plan MITIGATION 25% GHG Reduction by % GHG Reduction by 2050 CLIMATE PREPAREDNESS Make Boston resilient to anticipated climate changes. SectorReduce Demand Decarbonize Supply Neighborhoods Large Bldgs & Institutions Transportation 80X50 XX Climate Preparedness Strategies 1.Planning and Infrastructure 2. Community Engagement 3. Trees and Open Space 4. Buildings and Energy
Remarks by Mindy Lubber: Reflections on the GRC 5 th Year Anniversary
Presentation by John Holdren What Does Climate Science Tell Us About the Trends Underway and the Challenges Ahead?
Remarks by Mayor Walsh Boston on the Global Climate Stage
Carbon Cup Presentation
What Will It Take To Achieve Our Long-Term Decarbonization Goals?
T HE 80 X 50 C HALLENGE 1.2 ’05-’13 Actual Actual Emissions Goal 2050 Goal Pace GHG Emissions Millions of Metric Tonnes 2013 GHG Emissions Reductions 3.6 ’20-’50 Goal 0.7 ’13-’20 Goal
I NCREMENTAL C HANGE W ON ’ T G ET U S T HERE It is possible to achieve many of the interim carbon reduction targets through continuous improvement in existing systems. BUT… achieving “80x50” reductions will require transformative and systemic changes in many core city systems. Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance Copenhagen Meeting, June 2014
C ARBON N EUTRAL C ITIES A LLIANCE NORTH AMERICA Boston Boulder New York City Portland, OR San Francisco Seattle Vancouver Washington EUROPE Copenhagen London Oslo Stockholm AUSTRALIA Melbourne Sydney JAPAN Yokohama
F UTURE V ISION – E NERGY S UPPLY Decarbonize Imported Electricity Increase Local Production of Renewable Power Reduce Electricity Demand Eliminate Fossil-Fuel Heating Sources Modernize the Grid
F UTURE V ISION – T RANSPORTATION 2/3 or More Trips by Public Transit, Walking, Biking De-carbonization of Vehicle Fuels Affordable, Accessible Mobility Choices Connected, Regionalized Mobility System Alternative Urban Form Promoting Density and Livability
F UTURE V ISION – B UILDINGS Net-Zero Energy New Buildings Retrofitting of All Existing Buildings to High Efficiency Standards
F UTURE V ISION – W ASTE Zero Waste/Materials Management/Closed Loop Culture of Sustainable Consumption (Purchasing, Reuse, Recovery)
Electricity Supply Penni McLean-Conner, Senior Vice President, Customer Group, Eversource Sandy Taft, Director, Environmental and Sustainability Policy, National Grid
Transportation Jeff Tumlin, Director of Strategy, Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates Vineet Gupta, Director of Planning, Boston Transportation Department
Buildings Ed Mazria, Founder and CEO Architecture 2030
Proposed GRC Role in 80X50 Planning
P ROPOSED GRC R OLE IN 80X50 P LANNING Similar to the GRC Role in Climate Preparedness Planning: Work with stakeholders to develop a project design Raise project capital from multiple sources Support project launch Hand off to City to manage implementation
P ROJECT E LEMENTS Carbon Wedge Analysis – De-carbonization options by emissions source Sector Pathways – Energy Supply, Transportation, Buildings, Waste – Prioritization & Feasibility – Implementation Pathway Recommendations to the City – Input to City Climate Action Plan Update in 2017 – Build vision and strategic engagement
P ROJECT P HASING Project Stage Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3 Design, Scope & Budget XX Fund Raising XX Project Launch X Wedge Analysis XX Sector Teams XXX Recommendations to the City X GRC June 2016 Meeting
Other GRC Updates Climate Ready Boston Launch Utility Convening in Partnership with Advanced Energy Economy (Nov. 17) Commercial Real Estate Working Group CEO Summit
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