BEAST micro-TPC Prototype Construction In charge: Igal / Sven now  later Peter / Igal / Sven Main grad students: Michael & Ilsoo Gas supply, measurement,


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Presentation transcript:

BEAST micro-TPC Prototype Construction In charge: Igal / Sven now  later Peter / Igal / Sven Main grad students: Michael & Ilsoo Gas supply, measurement, control, (analysis) Michael Mechanical – Mounting at KEKMarc – Vacuum vessel + sealing scheme – Feedthroughs / endplatesSven – Internal support structureSteven / Tom / Marc Field cage + insulationIgal, Mael, Kamalu readout boardSteven DAQ & slow control Steven / Peter Lewis HV supply and controlIlsoo LV Tent, Table, Rack, CrateMichael, Ilsoo (Sven)

Long Lead Procurements: Status Ordered Pump: Drivac BH2-200A: ~ 2 weeks to arrival 3 SEABAS DAQ systems: shipping now Pixel Chips: 5 FE-I4 wafers shipping soon Clean room: ordered – Jan working out shipping method 3 SEABAS 4-chip adaptor board: ordered, but not produced – Schedule unknown Not Ordered HV: Order Caen WNDT147X? Ilsoo check if alternatives exist  order next few days LV: Ilsoo look for Vacuum vessel: Endplates Gas system Table, Rack, Crate R&D vacuum vessel Other to-do Schedule test beam: Sven investigate this week

Rough Schedule (See WBS PDF for official) Jul/Aug 2013Field cage testing in alternative vacuum vessel Jul/Aug 2013FE-I4b board test with USBPix (no vacuum) Sep 2013Prototype built, gas test w/ PHA Oct 2013Pixel chip + SEABAS DAQ working, detailed source tests Dec 2013 System test: long HV, LV cables and gas lines Mar 2013 Test Beam Oct 2014Ship to KEK [Also starting in 2014: Build 8 final TPCs]