Regional Policy Integrated Territorial Approaches Madrid, 22 February 2013
Regional Policy Contents 1. CSF - addressing territorial challenges. 2. Integrated Territorial Investments. 3. Community-led Local Development.
Regional Policy Arrangements to Address Territorial Challenges I MS are to take account of geographic or demographic features and take steps to address the specific territorial challenges of each region to unlock their specific development potential and thereby also helping them to achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in the most efficient way. The final choice of thematic objectives or actions within a programme should thus be based on the specific context of the Member State or region.
Regional Policy Arrangements to Address Territorial Challenges II Steps to be taken when preparing Partnership Agreements and programmes: - Analysis of development potential and capacity, particularly in relation to key challenges identified in Europe 2020, NRPs and relevant CSRs - Assessment of major challenges to be addressed, identification of bottlenecks, missing links, innovation gaps etc - Assessment of cross-sectoral, cross-jurisdictional or cross-border coordination challenges - Identification of steps to achieve improved coordination across different territorial levels and sources of funding to deliver an integrated approach linking Europe 2020 with regional and local actors
Regional Policy 2. Integrated Territorial Investments
Regional Policy What is the idea? Integrated territorial development requires actions where financial contributions come from different thematic objectives and priorities Funding programmes need to dedicate specific contributions to such integrated actions in this territory Every Member State should dedicate at least 5% of the ERDF resources to integrated urban actions
Regional Policy Integrated Territorial Investment ITI = tool for integrated development strategies combining funds from different programmes/axis. Option, not obligation for Managing Authority. No approval by the Commission. Mono/multi-fund (+ Rural Fund + Maritime Fund) Possible use of grants and financial instruments. Possible combination with CLLD.
Regional Policy Smart growth Research & Innovation IT SME Sustainable growth Low-carbon Resource-efficient Risk-prevention Transport Inclusive growth Employment Social inclusion Education Concentration on priorities of Europe 2020 Thematic dimension: Territorial dimension: Deprived urban neighbourhoods Cities and towns Functional urban areas, metropolitan regions Integrated strategies and actions Rural areas Other functional economic areas Governance mechanism ITIITI Entry point for the programming of funds Territorial pacts and local initiatives for employment, education and social inclusion
Regional Policy Regional ERDF OP National/sectoral ERDF OP ESF OP CF OP Integrated sustainable urban development City 1 Example: Member State A Total allocation for ITI at least 5% of Member State’s ERDF, delegated to cities ITIITI + additional ESF and CF, if appropriate City 1 City 2 City 3 River 1
Regional Policy ITI FOR THE INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT OF CITY X EUR 310 million (ERDF+ESF) Priority axis 1 (ESF): Promoting employment and supporting labour mobility EUR 50 million Priority axis 2 (ERDF): enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs EUR 50 million Priority axis 3 (ERDF): supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors EUR 50 million Priority axis 4 (ERDF): action to improve the urban environment, including regeneration of brown- field sites and reduction of air pollution EUR 40 million Priority axis 5 (ESF): Investing in education, skills and life-long learning EUR 50 million Priority axis 6 (ERDF): Developing education and training infrastructure EUR 20 million Priority axis 7 (ESF): Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty EUR 50 million
Regional Policy What do I need to look out for at programming stage? Partnership Agreement: Implementation arrangements for ITI Operational Programme: Identify ITI(s) planned and set out indicative financial allocation from each priority axis to each ITI OP monitoring system to provide for identification of operations and outputs of PA contribution to ITI (CR99) Resources delegated to cities for management under ITI (minimum 5%) (GR 87)
Regional Policy Delegations Possible delegation to Intermediate Body Specific arrangements for ETC.
Regional Policy 3. Community-led Local Development
Regional Policy A specific methodology Not any type of (economic) development taking place at local level; not a delivery instrument of specific EU policies; not decentralisation of power to local authorities, but one approach to engage local communities in building place-based bottom- up strategies
Regional Policy Past and present EU experiences Broader local development approach EQUAL (partnerships) Territorial Pacts (integrated territorial strategies) URBAN Community Initiatives (integrated approach & community involvement) Community-led local development: LEADER EFF AXIS 4 (FARNET)
Regional Policy Community-Led Local Development: definition article 28§1 of Common Provisions a)focused on specific sub-regional territories; b) community-led, by local action groups composed of representatives of public and private local socio-economic interests, no majority partner c)Carried out through integrated and multi- sectoral area-based local development strategies; d)considering local needs and potential, include networking and (where relevant) cooperation.
Regional Policy What do I need to look out for at programming stage? Partnership Agreement: Implementation arrangements for CLLD (CPR 14) Operational Programme: Planned integrated approach to territorial development of urban, rural, coastal and fisheries areas and areas with particular territorial features, in particular the implementation arrangements for CLLD Identification of areas in which CLLD will be implemented
Regional Policy Setting up CLLD strategies. What and why: challenges and objectives. Where: geography of effective local development Who: what partners. How to work together. Which funds what How to implement.