The Trojan War Fact vs. Fiction
Trojan War: Fiction ► Began as an argument between goddesses over who was prettier. A magic golden apple would be awarded to the winner. ► Because the apple starts a competition that leads to a war, it became known as the “Apple of Discord”
Trojan War: Fiction ► Paris, prince of Troy, is made to judge the competition by Zeus. ► Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite try to bribe him. ► Paris chooses Aphrodite after she promises him the most beautiful woman on earth: Helen
Trojan War: Fiction ► Paris, prince of Troy, steals Helen away from her husband, Menelaus, King of Sparta. Menelaus and his brother Agamemnon declare war on Troy. A massive army heads to Troy on over 1,000 ships.
Trojan War: Fiction Trojan war lasts 10 years Many heroes die: Ajax – Greek Hector – Prince of Troy Achilles – Greek Paris – Prince of Troy King Priam of Troy
Trojan War: Fiction ► The Greeks come up with a plan to get inside Troy: The Trojan Horse Has Greek soldiers hidden inside.
Trojan War: Fiction Hidden Greeks sneak out at night and open the gates of Troy The Greek army pours into the city, slaughters everyone, and burns Troy to the ground.
Trojan War: Fact ► The story of the Trojan War is told in epic poems written by Homer Iliad Odyssey ► The war supposedly occurred around the 1100 or 1200’s BC.
Trojan War: Fact ► Troy did exist, and was in western Anatolia (present day Turkey) Ruins of Troy discovered by German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann
Trojan War: Fact ► A war was fought between Greeks and Trojans Troy was burned down ► Specific names and dates are not known. ► Homer tells good stories.