Legal basics regulates the employment of persons with disabilities defining permanent consequences of physical or mental impairment or illness the disability assessment has to consider difficulties in performing activities that impact the employability and barriers to participation in the labour market (ICF)
Comprehensive assessment disability in the context of the exploration of employment possibilities includes the assessment of: health social environmental psychological educational vocational work / experience background …factors
People with disability in labour market REGULAR work place Quota system (2- 6 %) SUPPORTED contributions proffesional staff subsidy of salaries % MP SHELTERED contributions proffesional staff subsidy of salaries % MP
The role of ESS in vocational rehabilitation individual rehabilitation counselling procedure for acquiring the status of a disabled person and the right to rehabilitation for employment Rehabilitation commission assessment of employment possibilities rehabilitation plan (planning, monitoring and evaluation process decision on employability
ICF structure in rehabilitation proces ESS body factors (code list in computor aplication) activity participation contextual factors (enviromental&personal) 17 categories complete % major % moderate % small 5-24 % no failure 0-4 %
ICF-code list in ESS computor program
Rehabilitation commissions in ESS N= ( ) number of ICD diagnozis per person: 2,5 number of ICF functions per person: 6,5
ICD/ICF 5 most common diagnosis/functions ICD mild mental retardatiton schizophrenia back pain mixed anxciety and depressive disorder lumbar and IV disc disorder ICF temperament and personality global psychosocial f. Intelectual f. energy and drive Mobility emotional attention
Importance of functional limitations N= ( ) RC assessment N=1.847 PWD ( ) unemployable/ social inclusion programs no significant difference between the groups in terms of general demographic factors (sex, age, duration of unemployment, also ICD…) significant difference in terms of activity, participation and contextual factors (enviromental&personal)
RC assessment - functional limitations moderate/major problems in the field of : knowledge motivation work expirience/skills capacity constraints of work endurance acceptance of disability level of efficiency social network moderate problems in architecture and communication barriers
Functional limitations of unemployable PwD major/complete problems in the field of : level of efficiency (91 %) capacity constraints of work/endurance (81 %) professional goals (79 %) work expirience (74 %) skills (68 %) motivation (67 %) knowledge (50 %) social network (51 %) major problems in architecture and communication barriers acceptance of disability
Supported employment/ employment possibilities personal assistance professional counselling, informing and training programmes tehnical support co-financing or subsidy of salaries for PWD
ICF in ESS rehabilitation proces collaboration of different professionals in the rehabilitation process planning implementing following up an additional step in providing a holistic approach to managing the needs of persons with disability/employment possibilities
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