Start of the Day Work on any missing assignments you may have. If you have not finished unwrapping your UV’s continue unwrapping them. If you have finished unwrapping your UV’s begin painting the UV’s be sure to mark the sides of the faces so that your UV Map is as clear as possible.
Start of the Day Download the Chair.blend file from the Birmingham Website. Open up your Texturing Notes On a new page title it “Texturing Part 3a – Texture Painting” Answer the following question: What was the hardest part of unwrapping the UV’s for you?
Texturing Part 4a – Texture Painting
Standard Career and Technical Education: Arts, Media and Entertainment: A2.1 Demonstrate skill in the manipulation of digital imagery in an industry-relevant application.
Learning Target I will demonstrate my ability to manipulate faces and UV ’s by painting directly on my UV Map in order to mark the locations of faces on my 3-Dimensional model.
UV Unwrap Now that you have unwrapped the UV’s you should have the faces of your object cleanly laid out as straight as possible. However, how can we tell which UV’s correspond to what face?
2-D Texture Painting We can paint the UV’s directly in the UV Image Editor. If Texture View is On in the 3-D View Port you will see the colors painted on in real time as you paint on the UV’s.
Accessing 2-D Paint Mode In the UV Image Editor set your UV Mode from View to Paint Click “+ New” to create a new image. Set the Generated Type to “Blank” Tap “T” to get the UV Paint Tool. You can use the side menu to choose the color and brush you want. Once you have chosen your color you can begin to paint, either with the mouse or with your pen.
Export Once you have marked your faces with the color you want you will then need to export the UV’s. Make sure your UV Mode is set to View. Select Image. Click on Save As Image Name the image and click Save Image You will then be able to open it in Photoshop.