9/6/16 Number the first 30 pages in the TOP left (even) and right (odd) corners!!!. -Each day, you will put a date on the top left hand corner, below the page number (SHOULD BE AN EVEN PAGE #!!). We’ll use 1 set of pages/day.
Interactive Notebooks (INBs) in Science
Interactive Science Notebooks---HOW?
REMEMBER: A SMALL piece of tape works just as well as a large piece! Don’t be wasteful, please!!!! 3 – 5 dots of glue work just as well as half a bottle!
OPTIONAL Put your ‘Science’ page on the front cover. Get a ‘Science NB’ page to add to the front cover. Please make sure your name is on the cover and on page 1 of the notebook.
FOLLOW THESE STEPS! Inside Front Cover Glue your labcoat on the inside cover or turn in to display in classroom. 1 st page lined paper (page 1)- Put your name on top and write Ms. Sahi under it. GREEN white Glue or tape GREEN Rules for NB, yellow NOS tab & white Classroom Procedures on this cover!
Back cover Glue the Hall Pass half sheet (gold) onto the back inside cover of the notebook.
We will be gluing or taping things into the notebook throughout the semester. --There will be NO staples in the notebooks! DO NOT RIP ANY PAGES FROM THE NOTEBOOK!! --I have loose paper, should you need it!
A new notebook for each semester!!!
Getting Started Number the first 30 pages in the TOP corners!!!. -You will put a date on the top left hand corner, below the page number (SHOULD BE AN EVEN PAGE #!!). We’ll use 1 set of pages/day.
Start Gluing or Labeling!! BLUE GREENPage 2 - Glue the BLUE Metric Units ¼ sheet & GREEN Graphing ‘How To’ Page 3 – Glue the lab safety booklet (yellow) onto this page.
Page 4: Write the date 9/1/16 under the page # and glue in Steps for using the TBB (green) from Thursday in the top half of the page. Cut, fold and glue the white OQ sheet from Thursday in the bottom half. Page 5: Glue the TBB lab half sheet (pink)
Adding extensions (when 1 piece just isn’t enough ) 1.Get an extra sheet of paper from Ms. S’s basket. 2.Line up the top hole of the loose sheet, then tape it onto the journal page. 3.Fold the sides & bottom up, so that nothing is hanging from your INB.
Page 4 – Date 9/6/16 IQ: (copy) What is the difference between an observation and an inference? Page 5- Glue in NEON GOLD –Observations & Inferences ID Activity (NEON GOLD). YELLOW –Obs/Inf Practice Foldable YELLOW). PINK - Observations/Inferences Notes & practice (PINK).
Extensions look like this! 1 2 3
OUT ?: Which of the following are good reasons for keeping a Science INB? Check all that apply: Student thinking tool Place to doodle/draw Tool to use while Organize inquiry questions taking exams & conclusions Extra paper to rip Formative assessment for out for other classes teachers A reference tool Ideas are recorded in only 1 way (notes)