1 Primary Subject Leader SLICT – Session 4 - science Naace Sponsoring Partners Day 10th July 2006 Building Schools for the Future Bringing together the different communities Hannah Jones Director of SLICT and of the BSF Leadership Programme, NCSL
"I am not young enough to know everything." -- Oscar Wilde
3 Primary Subject Leader SLICT – Session 4 - science Educational levers ‘…a significant issue for me is keeping abreast of all the new initiatives and responding to them as a school whilst maintaining focus on the core issues.’ Headteacher, secondary school ECM Personalisation agenda Citizenship Inclusion BSF New technologies Wider full service facilities Ofsted Curriculum e-strategy
4 Primary Subject Leader SLICT – Session 4 - science Stay safe Be healthy Every Child Matters Enjoy and achieve Make a positive contribution Achieve economic well being
5 Primary Subject Leader SLICT – Session 4 - science A Spectrum of e-confidence PwC Moving Towards e-learning in schools and FE Colleges, DfES Dec 2004 Late adopters AmbivalentEnthusiasticE-enabled Primary schools7%44%39%10% Secondary schools11%41%34%14% Special schools16%35%33%16% FE colleges20%23%49%8% All13%36%40%11%
6 Primary Subject Leader SLICT – Session 4 - science Leadership Development Programmes and materials to support development of e- confidence –SLICT –teamSLICT –London Challenge SLICT process –Secondary Leadership Team Toolkit –Self-review framework
The e-confident school 1.Leadership and management 2.Curriculum 3.Learning and teaching 4.Assessment 5.Professional development 6.Extended opportunities for learning 7.Resources 8.Impact on pupil outcomes Key elements of the e-confident school are aligned with SRF.SRF 5 SLICT
Evolving pedagogy processcontent collaborativeindividual project basedsubject based high ICT capabilitylow ICT capability extended learning timesshort time slots anytime, anyplace learningschool based personalisedgroup 14
Developing e-confidence e-confident Society e-confident parents e-confident leaders e-confident learners e-confident staff e-confident school 7 Knowledge Economy
11 Primary Subject Leader SLICT – Session 4 - science Embedding innovation Who will help (roles and responsibilities)? Where can we get ideas? What are the timescales? How great will the change be? What staff development is needed? How do you develop the right culture? How can you demonstrate impact on: learning and teaching achievements other? What leadership style(s) is (are) needed? How do you celebrate success?
12 Primary Subject Leader SLICT – Session 4 - science Dimensions of change Vision Skills Incentives Resources Action Plans Vision Skills Incentives Action Plans Frustration Vision Skills Incentives Resources False Starts Vision Skills Resources Action Plans Slow Change Skills Incentives Resources Action Plans Confusion Vision Incentives Resources Action Plans Anxiety Success Jacqueline S. Thousand & Richard A. Villa Managing Complex Change; 2001
"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." -- Mark Twain BSF Think BIG!
14 Primary Subject Leader SLICT – Session 4 - science Will BSF deliver schools that meet the needs of learners and their communities now and in the future? Will BSF ensure that schools are sustainable- environmentally, economically and socially? Or Will BSF achieve only incremental improvement on the buildings that schools currently inhabit? Achieving neither significant value nor transformation
Learning Gateway talk2learn Development of Mentors BSF Leadership Programme Building the Vision-Changing the Context Days 2/3 Building the Vision Day 1 Future Sight/Picture This 36 Days 4/5 Changing the Context 45 Part 1 PfS Strategy for Change 8 weeks Part 2 PfS Strategy for Change 20 weeks Sustainability Succession planning 21 st Century Schools ECM personalisation Inclusion new technologies The majority of BSF schools opening takes place between 2009 and 2011, a time when it is predicted that the number of school leaders in England will be at its lowest point. LA Educational Vision-current context, including trends in number of school leaders and added value of BSF.
Building the Vision Day 1 Vision for learning Interlinked and mutually supportive cross cutting themes including: –personalised learning –14-19 agenda –parental and community involvement –pupil tracking and assessment –collaboration and extended schools –diversity of curriculum organisation –the learning environment –innovative use of time –new technologies
Building the Vision Day 2 Crafting of Vision Statements –Alignment with LA vision statements –Emphasis placed on learning models that support the active construction of knowledge and skills –Looking at how technology enables environments in which the learner actively explores the world and constructs their own internal models of understanding Leadership and Managing Change –Adoption model developed in SLICT programme, Leicester University based on Harland and Kinder Grid (1997) –Selection of Cross Cutting Change Teams for next stage of NSF Leadership Programme –Working with various stakeholders
Changing the Context ‘Context, n structure, framework, environment, situation, circumstance, ambience, surrounding’ Urdang (1992) Seminars covering specialist knowledge, skills and understanding required for BSF process Models of Change Management –Learning environment –Culture
"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough." -- Mario Andretti