TI Manual for Assessing Integrity in the Development and Implementation of National REDD+ Strategies Claire Martin PAC REDD Project
Structure of this afternoon 1.Introduction to the work TI is doing on REDD and corruption (focus on tool for mapping corruption ) 2.Chapters and CSO sharing experience 3.Group work to test out the TI methodology for risk mapping
Contents Context: Introduction to TI Structure and Approach Introduction to the Manual as a whole – Purpose – Layout The Manual – Corruption Risk Mapping: Elements of a corruption risk assessment (Module 2) Walk through the Risk Assessment Process (Module 3 & 4)
Context: Introduction to the TI Structure National Chapter / Contact Structure TI Secretariat Berlin Within National Chapters – Forestry Units Today; Papua New GuineaMichael Avosa IndonesiaUtami Hayati, Raflis (Riau), Lyndon Pangkali (Papua), Ilham Isambela (Aceh) VietnamHai Thanh
Context: Introduction to the TI Approach Focus on Research and Analysis Capacity Development: Anti-corruption tools are adapted or developed to provide target groups with concrete solutions Monitoring and Measurement: progress on anti-corruption efforts Outreach: allowing others to benefit from tools & expertise Advocacy: critical but constructive engagement with all stakeholders focusing on a process of change _________________________________________________________ Cooperation: increases mutual trust, efficiency and effectiveness in achieving anticorruption goals
Introduction to the Manual - Purpose Forest Carbon Projects National REDD+ strategies Assessing risks to integrity (avoidance of “corruption”) Support building transparent and accountable systems A Resource A Manual for Assessing Integrity in the Development and Implementation of Forest Carbon Projects and National REDD+ Strategies* (draft)
Introduction to the Manual - Layout Module 1 – Introduction to Corruption Risks and Practices Module 2 – Introduction to REDD+ and Forest Carbon Module 3 – Introduction to the assessment framework Module 4 – Step by Step Assessment (5 steps) Step 1- Why do an assessment? Step 2 – Identifying and prioritizing risks Step 3 – Analyzing risks Step 4 – Identifying instruments Step 5 – Developing an Integrity Strategy Annex A – Active: To be actively used in carrying out the assessment Annex B – Additional Information
The Manual – Corruption Risk Mapping Elements of a corruption risk assessment: – IDENTIFY THE RISKS (A) Identify the activities under assessment (Module 3) (B) Identify corruption risks associated with these activities and the associated corrupt practices (Module 4, Step 2) – (C) Prioritize these corruption risks (Module 4, Step 2) – (D) ANALYSE THE ROOT CAUSES OF THE RISKS (Module 4, Step 3) – (E) ANALYZE INSTRUMENTS to address the risks (Module 4, Step 4)
A. Identifying the activities under Assessment: The Framework
A. Identifying the activities under Assessment Examples - Use with Annex A3 Land use planning and Zoning Development of National Strategy Allocation of project areas Policy, Legislation, Regulation
A. Identifying the activities under Assessment Examples - Use with Annex A3 External Investment Internal Investment Funding & Economic Flow
A. Identifying the activities under assessment Decisions made and activities undertaken in developing and implementing a national level strategy Examples - Use with Annex A3 Policy Implementation Carbon Credits Application Activities
A. Identifying the activities under assessment Helps ensure the operation of the other four chains: policy, funding, application, enforcement Examples - Use with Annex A3 Performance Monitoring & Reporting
A. Identifying the activities under Assessment Without enforcement there is little incentive for actors to adhere to legislation and forego corruption Examples - Use with Annex A3 Enforcement
A. Identify the activities under assessment - Output: See Annex A3
B. Identify associated risks & corrupt practices - Output Through discussions with Stakeholders, for each activity listed, identify key risks and corrupt practices (Annex A3, Module 1)
C. Prioritize Risks Risk that is the most severe is of highest priority Severity of Risk = Impact x Likelihood NB to record reasoning
C. Prioritize Risks IMPACT Important: keep comments on how scores reached
C. Prioritize Risks LIKELIHOOD Important: keep comments on how scores reached
C. Prioritize Risks Impact x Likelihood Ranking
C. Prioritize Risks - Output Through discussions with Stakeholders, for each risk listed, prioritize the risk (Annex A3) Include notes of contents of discussions leading to the marking
D. Analyzing root causes of priority risks More in depth analysis of just the priority risks Facilitates identifying strategies to address corruption Things to look for: - commonalities between priority risks identified - motivations of individual - situational factors that allow individuals to act on corrupt motives
D. Analyzing root causes of priority risks - Output Annex A7
E. Analyze Instruments Again through discussions with stakeholders: Current instruments addressing priority risks identified Gaps in these instruments identified Options for strengthening existing instruments identified Potential new instruments required identified
E. Analyze Instrument Annex A5 & A6 Relevant issues: Existence of instruments? Who involved in designing instruments? Who involved in implementing?
E. Analyze Instrument - Output Format – A7
Closing Remarks The Manual guides users to place these technical elements of risk mapping within their specific country context by providing advice on: – Corruption and corruption risk assessments (Module 1) – The basics of REDD+ (Module 2) – How to plan before you start the assessment (Module 4, Step 1) – How to engage stakeholders (Module 4, Step 1) – What to do after the assessment is completed (Module 4, Step 5) Units will present this in the next session plus 3 rd session: mini assessment Manual available mid November