MEDIA VS. MEDIA Single Source widely variant ‘media’ at acceptable levels of quality?
Traditional associating stylesheets with instances 1. Hard Coded – all xml through same stylesheet, perhaps change by media location. Complicates introduction of new XML 2. Declarative – Use this XML with this XSLT. Requires knowing what XML and What XSLT matches it. 3. Location based – any XML from this location passes through a particular stylesheet. Requires limiting the document types in locations. Bad for Application Building. 4. Based on Validation, Doctype – mod_xsl Erlang. Tight Coupling of Presentation to validity. Requires support of multiple validation engines to achieve multiple input formats. Unworkable.
New Associating Stylesheets with Instances If stylesheet = test_{mediachannel}.xsl If stylesheet = http_www_example_org_test_{mediachannel}.xsl If stylesheet = mytest_test_{mediachannel}.xsl If stylesheet not found, go to next closest match, if no match: Stylesheet = {mediachannel}_generic.xsl stylesheet= mytest_test_{mediachannel}.xsl
Root Node of core presentational stylesheet Input Document Element -> Output Document Element My Test
Managing Stylesheets stylesheet 1 stylesheet 2 stylesheet 3stylesheet 4 stylesheet 5 ALWAYS Import Stylesheet order Synchronizing Stylesheets and Media + = +=
Configuratio n 2007 Bryan typical presentational markup media structural layout Linking functions Global functions /Markup Fragments /Site Settings /Global Display elements (Headers, Footers) doctype functions, settings, headers footers
XSL Style in Docbook 0.5in 0.5em 1em 2em DOCBOOK DOCBOOK´with GTA 0.5in 0.5em 1em 2em OR 0.2 in OR CSS - multiple inheritance, reuse of styling across document types
Structured Input=Structured Output Arbitrary Output != Unstructured Input XSL-FO multiple format/instance inputs -> one format/instance output Page 1-20 Docbook Page XSL-FO with embedded script Page Docbook Page Script, Simple Presentational Markup, SVG. Partial Reuse Strategy + Docbook css.xml + xsl-fo css.xml + Docbook css.xml + default css.xml
Cross Media Scripting configuration different per media funx language supports branching based on media name Hello Web Media! Hello Media that are not Web! web Hello Web Media! Hello all media that are not web! Hello Media! media -->
Media Implementations so far 1. Web – dynamic media, applications 2. PDF – static media, arbitrary content 3. Help Files – static media, arbitrary content. 4. Mail – Beta Status. 5. SVG – Alpha Status. 6. Voice – Alpha Status.
Other Uses GTA/Funx good for: 1. Media Transformations 2. Code Generation/XSL-T generation, Format Extension. 3. Webservices/Pipelines. Demos time