Hale Road Elementary First Grade Mrs. Kenyon
Mrs. Sunny Kenyon (440) x7208 *Education -Bachelors Degree in Early Childhood Education -Reading Endorsement K-12 -Masters in Reading Specialization *13 th year teaching -Title I Reading -Kindergarten -First Grade
8:50-9:10: Morning Work/ Bathroom 9:10-10:05: Writing Workshop 10:05-11:05: Daily 5 Reading 11:05-11:40:Recess 11:40-12:10:Lunch 12:15-12:25:Read Aloud/ Bathroom 12:25-1:25: Calendar and Eureka Math 1:25-2:00: Specials (Monday- Gym, Art, or Music; Tuesday- Computer Lab; Wednesday-Extra Time in Class; Thursday-Computer Lab; Friday- Library) 2:05-2:15: Working Snack/ Bathroom 2:15-2:45: Fundations Phonics 2:45-3:15: Social Studies or Science 3:25: Dismissal for Pick- Ups, Latchkey, and Walkers 3:30: Dismissal for Bus Riders
A Good Citizen Can…
Behavior Chart Blue=Super Student Purple=Great Job Pink=Good Choices Green= Ready to Learn Yellow=Think About It Orange=Teacher’s Choice Red=Parent Contact This chart allows students to move along the rainbow throughout the day. It reinforces positive behaviors and provides the opportunity to learn from negative behaviors. Students will receive a dot on their clip every day they end of pink, purple, or blue. These dots accumulate. Once they have received 10 dots they get to retire their clip. This is a BIG DEAL. The student gets to choose an adult in the building to wear and show off their clip. They will then receive a new clip of a different color. This continues throughout the year. Any old clips are then placed on the “Wall of Fame”. This systems is comes from our Leader in Me program.
7 Habits *Be Proactive: “You’re in Charge” *Begin with the End in Mind: “Have a Plan” *Put First Things First: “Work First, Then Play” *Think Win-Win: “Everyone Can Win” *Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood: “Listen Before You Talk” *Synergize: “Together is Better” *Sharpen the Saw: “Balance Feels Best” Building wide leadership endeavor to build strong leaders inside and outside of the classroom. Leader In Me
Reading *Daily Reading Envelope M-Th (must be returned everyday) *Purple Poetry Folder F (due back on Monday) *Sight Word Practice (daily, if possible) Math *It will vary at the beginning, but will become more consistent as the year progresses. Generally, it will be a one-sided paper each night M-Th.
5 Components *Read to Self *Read to Someone *Listen to Reading *Word Work *Work on Writing *Read with the Teacher The students will cycle through these centers throughout the week. They will also meet with me in a small group for guided reading instruction at their appropriate reading level. Daily 5 Reading
This year the students will be participating in Writing Workshop by Lucy Calkins. I am very excited about this. It will allow the students to grow into amazing writers. Writing Genres Throughout the Year *Narrative (Small Moments) *Informative (Non-Fiction) *Opinion (Persuasive) Writing Workshop
Phonics Fundations Phonics *Sound Cards *Magnet Tiles *Dry Erase Boards This program provides phonics instruction that focuses on how letters work together to make words. The students study the sounds that the letters make alone and together in the English language. They also use hands on materials to practice making and reading words using these sounds and patterns.
Sight Words & Spelling *The students will be assessed using the Fry Word List. In the next couple of weeks, each child will be bringing home a list of words to practice at home. They will also practice these words at school. I will assess the students every two weeks to see if they are ready to add more to their growing reading vocabulary. Please practice these words as often as possible. *The spelling words that we will be using are words that are frequently used when writing and reading. The words will focus on our current phonics pattern along with a few sight words. There will be more information coming home soon on this topic.
Eureka Math We are using a newer curriculum called Eureka Math. The goal of Eureka Math is to “produce students who are not merely literate, but fluent, in mathematics. By fluent, we mean not just knowing what process to use when solving a problem but understanding why that process works.” *Fluency (counting or facts) *Application Problem (story problem) *Lesson (new concept) *Problem Set (guided practice) *Exit Slip (review/check for understanding) *Homework (connection between school and home)
Science & Social Studies Main Areas *Motion *Sun, Energy, and Water *Basic Needs of Living Things *Families Long Ago, Near and Far Additional *Leader in Me *Holidays
THANK YOU Thank you for all of your support and assistance from home. It makes a HUGE difference in your child’s school career!
*Please sign up for conferences in the back of the room. *There are also some wish list items in the back of the room if you would like to donate anything to the classroom.
Please look through the packet. If any questions arise please contact me at either: Or Voic (440) x7208 You can also view my Teacher Webpage at