Discussion Prompt: Imagine you are on an archeological expedition 500 years from now, and you have just come across a garbage dump that appears to date from the 21st century. List the types of objects you think you would find (at least 5). Read the introduction on p. 517.
and why you should care about it
You are ONE of 8 billion humans Trash goes to landfills Stores trash Trash stays there Landfills fill up
10 billion metric tons of solid waste/year in the USA Disposable items 2x waste per person now vs. the 1960s Solid waste is any discarded solid material.
The human population is increasing Average USA citizen produces 4.4 lbs of trash per day. Space to store waste is decreasing Recycle me.
Take the quiz and determine the top 2 ways in which you are smart. As a class, we will create a presentation that will allow all types of learners to better understand waste and waste management. You will be assigned a task based on the ways you are smart.
Definition of solid waste Increasing amount of solid waste produced Decreasing amount of space to dispose of waste Biodegradable vs. nonbiodegradable waste Problems with plastic Municipal solid waste vs. waste from manufacturing, mining, and agriculture Landfill functions, structure, and problems Use of incinerators to dispose of waste
Definition of source reduction Reducing the amount of solid waste The recycling process The importance of recycling and composting Materials usage and problems associated with biodegradable and nonbiodegradable materials
Definition of hazardous waste Examples of hazardous wastes Niagra Falls hazardous waste incident implications Significance of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and the Superfund Act Ibuprofen production waste implications Methods of managing hazardous waste
Task Nature & People 1.Create a Photostory that encourages individuals to use biodigradable packaging, reduce waste, and recycle. Number & Word 1.Create a survey that you will actually use to collect data regarding at least 50 peoples’ knowledge of waste (solid and hazardous) and waste management. 2.Using the data from your survey, create a Google website or a Glogster that compares your data results to actual data from the textbook or a reliable website. Music1.Write and create a music video of a sad song that describes problems with poor waste management based on specific events such as the Niagra Falls incident. Picture1.Create an informational collage on Prezi that provides background information about waste including defined terms in chapter 19. Body1.Create and implement a lesson that engages the entire class in an activity that teaches them about waste and its management. You must provide a lesson plan that explains what you will do.
Dear earth, I’m sorry about all the waste. I plan to reduce the waste I produce by…