Our Timetable English Maths PE ICT CFL Science SMSC / RE
PE Tuesday – Outdoor with Mr Smith. PE trainers, jogging/tracksuit bottoms and a long sleeved top. Friday – Indoor with Mr Hassall. Plimsolls, black shorts, white t-shirt.
Homework ! English Spelling homework will be sent home once a week. See separate letter. Please continue to hear your child read regularly.
Web Site How we use it in Year 1 Information that we feel you need. What we have been learning in the week and what we will cover next week (pre learning). Reminders of dates and events. Requests for objects and help. Class Celebrations and photos. Any thing else we feel might interest you.
Mid Morning Break In Year 1 the children do not receive milk unless it has been ordered. Please could you ensure that the children all have their named water bottle in school. They will be sent home at intervals for washing. One sensible sized toy may come in for playtimes. Fruit continues to be available to all the children to be eaten during the morning. Please make sure that you have awareness of the Healthy Snacks information sent to parents.
Beginning and End of the Day The children line up in their class lines by the blue doors, the teachers are available for quick information. Please feel safe in leaving your child in line, this also helps transition. Please could you make sure that the area is clear for the lines, especially when the whistle goes. After school could you please could you ensure that the children do not play on the equipment or within the FS2 patio area.
Independence Unpacking own book bag; water bottle, reading book and letters. Finding own resources to aid learning. Knowing what they are doing at the end of school. Changing own reading books.
Questions Any Questions from you..... Contact
Class 13