PGR administrative milestones and academic decisions First contact/decision: Student may contact you before application Interested? Discuss proposal further? Phone/skype conversation? Type of offer? Scholarship application? Supervisor Training and Development Workshop
PGR administrative milestones and academic decisions After student accepts offer: Maintain contact Arrange to meet and greet Set date for first supervision Explain purpose eg planning, mutual expectations, training requirements Supervisor Training and Development Workshop
PGR administrative milestones and academic decisions First supervisions: Discussion of research plan Agreement of supervision pattern/expectations Awareness of University PGR Code of Practice and College PGR Handbook Tier 4 requirements (international) Record of supervision decisions Training Needs Assessment Supervisor Training and Development Workshop
PGR administrative milestones and academic decisions Annual Progress Reviews Years 1 and 2: Present work to panel Achievements and challenges Verbal and written feedback PDR, Mahara, Researcher Development etc Progress to next year? Conditions to progressing? Eg further review Supervisor Training and Development Workshop
PGR administrative milestones and academic decisions Annual Progress Review Year 3: On schedule to complete? If so, thesis pending/timebound plan If not, further period? Supervisor Training and Development Workshop
PGR administrative milestones and academic decisions Other tasks in Year 3: Supervisors identify viva convenor/examiners Review drafts Decide on submission date Supervisor Training and Development Workshop
PGR administrative milestones and academic decisions Three months before viva: Intention to submit form Continue to review thesis drafts Factor in time for checking penultimate draft Decide on submission date Prepare student for viva (prepare during final year or before?) Supervisor Training and Development Workshop
PGR administrative milestones and academic decisions Viva and post viva: Attend? Result of viva Corrections? Resubmission? Final stages Supervisor Training and Development Workshop
PGR administrative milestones and academic decisions Graduate School Support for Supervisors: Information for Supervisors Web Page Supervisor Training and Development Workshop
PGR administrative milestones and academic decisions Discuss Frequently Asked Questions in Groups Supervisor Training and Development Workshop
Recommended Reading: Wellington, J. (2014) 'Supervising Doctoral Students: a delicate balance’ BERA Research Intelligence, Issue 124 Summer pp issue-for-web-hi-res.pdf Mullins, G. and Kiley, M. (2002) 'It's a PhD, not a Nobel Prize': How experienced examiners assess research theses Studies in Higher Education, Vol 27 Issue 4 pp Supervisor Training and Development Workshop