Raphael Italian Renaissance
Young Artist Raphael was influenced greatly by Michelangelo and Leonardo. His work is thought to be a combination of Michelangelo’s sculptural quality and Leonardo’s balance and feeling.
Early Career Raphael was not a solitary genius like Michelangelo, he enjoyed the social life and the admiration of admirers. He was able to gain fame by painting portraits and popular Madonna’s while Leonardo and Michelangelo worked on large commissions.
The School of Athens
Raphael’s Masterpiece The School of Athens is considered a masterpiece of Renaissance art. It has a very sculptural appearance created by the posturing of the figures. The use of one point perspective creates great depth in the painting. The composition is well balanced and unified.
Raphael died at the age of 37. He is buried in the Pantheon. The Pantheon is the oldest dome in the world. It was built in the First Century A.D.