Mandatory Registration of Programme Office or Block Development Officer And Registration of Technical Assistant and Mapping of Technical Assistant with Panchayat
1.Once user login from Programme Officer,System will automatically check whether this block has registered Programme officer or Block Development Officer or Assigned BDO with this block.
2.. If any of the above condition is true, then system will automatically redirect user to register Staff under marked Technical Assistant Designations by State DBA and map them with GP. Otherwise system will display one screen for user to either register Programe Officer or Block Development Officer or Map Block Development Office(Additional Charge) with this block by DPC login.
3. If user select Register option, then system will display staff registration Form which is already available under MIS System. User register PO or BDO with Aadhaar No or Without Aadhaar No. If User register PO or BDO without Aadhaar No and it is mandatory to verify staff by State DBA. 4. One user successfully register staff, system will automatically redirect user to register Staff under marked Technical Assistant Designations by State DBA and map them with GP.
4. If PO/BDO is registered in block level or mapped with BDO(additional Charge) then system will display number of active job card in this block, Recommended TA for this block and Actual TA (TA marked designations) registered in this block. 5. System will also display list of all marked Technical Assistant Designations by State DBA. No of Recommended TA = total Job Cards in Block/2500
6. There is two option in this form i.e. 1. to register staff under marked TA designations as per the notification and to map TA with panchayat. 7. If Actual Registered TA is 0 then user will select register TA option to register staff under marked TA designations and Mapping TA option will be disable in this case. 8.If actual Registered TA is 1 or more than 1 then both options i,e register TA or map TA will be available for user.
9. If user selects Register TA option then system will display Staff registration form to register staff under marked TA designations.. If User register staff without Aadhaar No and it is mandatory to verify staff by State DBA.
10. If user selects Mapping TA option then system will display mapping form. In mapping form system will display all marked Technical Assistant designations by State DBA in drop down list. Once use select designations, system will display all registered staff under selected designation and mapping limit of selected Designation with GP. 11. Based on mapping limit, user will map selected staff(TA Assigned work) with GP’s from list.