A famous bluesman : STEVIE RAY VAUGHAN
- Biography - ● ● Stevie Ray Vaughan was born in 1954 in Dallas, Texas – and his background influenced his style of blues - and died in a helicopter crash in the Wisconsin in SRV was a self-taught : he learnt to play the guitar with his brother Jimmie Vaughan and used to listen to Jimi Hendrix, The Yardbirds, The Beatles and famous bluesmen as Albert King, BB King, and Buddy Guy. And later he realized a disc with Jimmie. ● Including rock into blues, SRV influenced this type of music, playing with electric guitars and making of his style a myth. ●
- Startings - After, he learnt playing the guitar with his brother, SRV followed his brother Jimmie during his concert tours and then, In the late 70's, he created his first real band: Double Trouble with friends. In 1983, he was repaired by David Bowie, during the Montreux Jazz Festival, and played with him in his album: Let's dance. Indeed, David Bowie permitted to SRV to become famous and to realise his first album with Double Trouble: Texas Flood which was a succes!
- Some tracks - ● Texas Flood : 7gmBT5bg&feature=fvsthttp:// 7gmBT5bg&feature=fvst ● Crossfire: h?v=VsHXd4rQnW0http:// h?v=VsHXd4rQnW0
- A special style - During his concerts, SRV was dressed with cow-boy clothes ( boots and hat ), and that is what made him famous. His scenic playing was also a special caracteristic of his style : his movements reminded those of Jimi HENDRIX, like when he played the guitar with his tooth or with the instrument on his back. The music world was not only a brillant show ; the life of SRV out of the concerts halls was also full of problems with drugs and alcohol. In 1979, Stevie Ray Vaughan almost cancelled a concert tour because of his addictions.
- How did he influence the blues? - SRV was the most famous Texas bluesman of the 20 th century. Texas blues is a subgenre of blues which sometimes includes Jazz. SRV contributed to the evolution of the blues style, playing with electric guitars : the blues rock was born. The favourite guitar that this bluesman had was a Fender Stratocaster, which he used to call First Wife.There is now a Fender whoch has his name and his signature. That's what made that he deserved four Grammy Awards. He was also introducted in the Blues Hall of Fame, beside to people like Jimi Hendrix, BB King, John Lee Hooker...