Steve Rattazzi
4,282 Americans have died 30,182 Americans have been injured About 107,000 Iraqis have died The war’s budget from is said to be approximately $3 trillion.
No Provisional Iraqi Government – This policy has been uplifted. The INC is now the ruling government in Iraq deBa’athification of the Iraqi Culture, Government and Economy - Iraq has gone through reBa’athification. Disbanding the Iraqi Military – The Iraqi military was reformed in 2006.
The 56th quadrennial United States presidential election was held on November 4, Outgoing Republican President George W. Bush's policies and actions and the American public's desire for change were key issues throughout the campaign. During the presidential election campaign, the major-party candidates ran on a platform of change and reform in Washington. Domestic policy and the economy eventually emerged as the main themes in the last few months of the election campaign after the onset of the 2008 economic crisis.