/digitalcommunities.gov.wales Mon Communities First About Mon Communities First Team delivers a range of projects in Anglesey, which includes IT drop-in sessions which are open to local residents. Challenge MCF had no digital inclusion strategy and frontline staff training in place to be able to assist members of its communities to get online.
/digitalcommunities.gov.wales Mon Communities First Our support DCW worked with MCF to develop a digital inclusion strategy document Delivered a two-day Digital Champion training to MCF admin staff and learning officers. MCF was included in the digital inclusion partnership that was being developed in the county. DCW secured digital kit to help residents get online
/digitalcommunities.gov.wales Mon Communities First Organisation impact James Hart, Learning Support Officer, Mon Communities First “The training and guidance provided to us by Digital Communities Wales has given us the tools and the confidence to be able to assist members of our community most in need. “Support ranges from people who need hand- holding to turning on a computer, to those that need help navigating through some of the more difficult government websites and job application sites.” Individual impact “I had one gentleman from the ward come up to me the day after we had helped him and thanked us for our swift support. He explained that if we hadn’t supported him that day, by getting his CV and certificates sent electronically to an employer, he would have missed out on a six month contract, working off shore.“