Karina Momary Middle School Debate
Student enthusiasm and excitement Teach fundamentals Friendship and Team Parent Support Why Middle School Debate?
My Team 125 students attended a competition this year Over 200 students involved in speech & debate in some way Tournaments a Year (Including Traveling with Upper School)
Same Events, Same Times, Same Topics New Addition to some tournaments Most invitationals will allow MS entries MS only tournaments Intramural Competitions MS Competitive Opportunities
No Qualification Process Same time as High School tournament LD 96, Policy 55, PF 132, Congress 82 Run like invitational with 5 prelims Schools only next year NSDA- MS Nationals
High School Team Host practice Buddy System Create Evidence Packets Judges Resources
Graduating High School Born Interested in everything…for half an hour Developmentally need to know they are loved, accepted, and need constant affirmation 6 th Grade- You are a Genius 7 th Grade- Life is Hard 8 th Grade- Just Let Me Do It A Middle School Student
Claim & Warrant Mini Debates Logic Work Presentation Skills Where You Start Matters
Count, count and count again Plan out all meals Know where the bathrooms are Be flexible- debate is not their only interest Don’t take yourself too seriously Motivation comes from stickers, candy, and feeling successful Have a quiet down system Patience Student Management
Set Goals Reach out to other coaches/teachers Separate practice by event Plan out practice schedule before each tournament and set up concrete due dates Team Management
One on One Appointments 10 minutes with each student Helps address skills such as CX, Flowing, What to do in the rebuttal, etc. Parents can attend too SignUp Genius
Beginning of the year parent meeting Parent volunteer judges Parent Coffee morning Parents to coordinate meals Student Showcase Overly detailed s Parent Support
Teams-giving Family Dinners Student Activities Required bonding at tournaments Team Bonding Events