KCS Middle School 1:1 Technology Initiative ▶ The focus of the Chromebook Program for Keyport Central School is to prepare students for college and career readiness in the competitive world of digital information. As we navigate the 21st Century, excellence in education requires that technology be seamlessly integrated throughout the educational program. Individual use of Chromebooks is a way to empower and engage students in real world problem solving and critical thinking opportunities. ▶ By preparing our students with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in an evolving technological landscape, this program will enhance capabilities and collaboration relative to the education and workforce expectations of the 21st century. We believe this program will connect our faculty and students through collaborative applications both in and outside of our "traditional" classrooms.
Q: What is 1:1 computing? ▶ A: 1:1 literally refers to the ratio of computing devices to students. Starting in September 2016, students in grades 6-8 attending Keyport Central School will be issued a Chromebook as part of their mandatory instructional materials. The Chromebook will serve as their personal computing device. When students are in class, the device is in their immediate proximity and is used regularly for instruction, learning, and collaborating. All activities that use this device, inside of school, will be subject to school policy, specifically the KBOE Acceptable Use Policy.
What is a Chromebook A: A Chromebook is a computing device that operates with the Google Chrome Operating System (Chrome OS). These devices have been used at KCS with increasing regularity. These devices afford students both the ability to “surf the net” for information (consumption device) as well as produce and collaborate on documents, research, and projects (production device).
Q: What do you want to accomplish with this technology? ▶ A: Put simply, we want to improve student learning and increase their college and career readiness. To do this we will use the Chromebooks to enhance student engagement through the increase of collaboration and inquiry. Students will now have fingertip access to data, information, and resources beyond compare. Students can use technology to work together or with experts, like an English class using Skype or Google Plus to talk to an author, or a science class interacting with a veterinarian at the zoo. This initiative will break down the barriers of time and space. Learning, collaborating, and productive academic growth can take place anytime, anywhere!
Q: Why did KCS choose Chromebooks over other devices? ▶ A: In choosing a device that every student attending KCS would use, we were looking for something that would seamlessly fit with the successes of our existing platforms and infrastructure. Like many other schools, KCS migrated its system to Gmail. The change took place four years ago and provided a cost-effective, flexible, manageable email solution. Since then we have been able to expand our use of the Gmail platform to include the rest of the “Google Apps For Education” suite. The Google Apps Suite has been incredibly successful in creating more effective classroom lessons as well as efficient building management and effective collaboration. While we still have plenty of desktop computer labs, it is felt that Chromebooks were a better fit as student’s primary device. ▶ Important to this discussion is the compatibility of any device with the PARCC assessments, that is taken on a computer. While some tablets are now PARCC approved, they must also include a separate keyboard. This presents several significant management issues. Chromebooks, since their deployment, have met all the criteria for PARCC readiness. This is important. Using the same devices for instruction that students will use for testing provides a familiarity and comfortability when taking these very important tests ; it provides a ‘home court’ advantage by allowing teachers to mirror the very interactive and individual medium of the PARCC assessments.
Q: Does my child have to take his or her Chromebook home every night? ▶ A: Students are required to come to class everyday prepared with a charged device just as they would a textbook, notebook, and pen / pencil. Think of the Chromebook as a textbook. More accurately, think of the Chromebook as all textbooks. The Chromebook, like a textbook, will be the responsibility of the student. Students must return their Chromebook to Afternoon Homeroom where their charging stations will be located. Anything a student does via their Keyport School District account (Google Doc’s, presentations, notes, etc...) can be accessed by using the Chrome browser on any internet ready device within your home. If you need to download the Chrome Browser it is free and takes only a few minutes.
New KCS Middle School Schedule