WIR SCHAFFEN WISSEN – HEUTE FÜR MORGEN Steps towards beam commissioning: Radiation Protection Dieter Mohr :: radiation safety technician :: Paul Scherrer Institut SwissFEL Commissioning Workshop, 21 March 2016 FHNW Campus Brugg-Windisch
Our system 2 … The systems of the radiation safety are split into 3 parts: -DRPS (dose rate protection system) this will be presented later on by Eike Hohmann -PSYS, (person safety protection system) the concept is already done by OE9645. The mechanical installation will be performed by OE9311. Also a presentation later on. -BSS (“Betriebsstrahlenschutz”, on-site radiation protection) There are mainly 2 person in charge for the operational RP at OSFA: myself and Hartmut Reuning, later in the year joined by Markus Hunziker. In this talk I will present the BSS (on-site radiation protection) (Please give a concise 1–2-page summary of what you provide for SwissFEL) (Kurze Zusammenfassung des für SwissFEL bereitgestellten Systems)
…, no RF, no beam, no radiation, no work, … Our work, the work from the on-site RP (BSS) is not affected by any machine system at all and also manly vice versa. The RF group need our support to clarify the dose rate during commissioning of any modulator system. A report on measurements has to be delivered to BAG for every new klystron („Auflage“) Another requirement from BAG is a dose rate mapping along the facility by the first beam production. This will be done in parallel with commissioning of the DRPS -> E. Hohmann. Our most important interfaces to (dependences on) other expert groups 3 (Which other systems are you depending on, which systems depend on you? How are the interfaces organized?) (Welches sind die wichtigsten Abhängigkeiten zu anderen Systemen? Wie sind die Schnittstellen organisiert?)
One week before starting the RF, we have to inform the BAG that we classify the affected rooms into a controlled area typ 0, (like as it was at WLHA.) All affected rooms will be labeled with a sign like this: Our steps towards beam commissioning/operation: Hardware installation 4 (Current status; lead or delay with respect to PIC plan; is the time set aside in the PIC plan sufficient?) (Aktueller Stand; Vorsprung oder Verzögerung gegenüber PIC-Plan; sieht der PIC-Plan genügend Zeit dafür vor?) and be aware, we will strongly control that dosimeters are worn. no personal dosimeter = no access to the controlled area
…The on-site radiation protection (BSS) is ready, all devices we need are in place. Our steps towards beam commissioning/operation: System commissioning in OSFA before beam 5 (Current status; lead or delay with respect to PIC plan; is the time set aside in the PIC plan sufficient?) (Systeminbetriebnahme ohne Strahl: aktueller Stand; Vorsprung oder Verzögerung gegenüber PIC-Plan; ist genügend Zeit vorgesehen?)
Permit to beam („Strahlfreigabe“) is given by BSS when it is confirmed that all safety systems are in place and ready Our steps towards beam commissioning/operation: Handover to operation, pre-beam checks 6 (Modalities, concrete plans, target date?) (Wie wird das System dem Betrieb übergeben? Gibt es Pläne für Prebeam-Checks? Termine?)
The only systems we have to check are the RF modulators. This will be done "on the fly", thanks to the good collaboration with the RF-group Our steps towards beam commissioning/operation: System commissioning with beam 7 (How much parasitic or dedicated beam time do you need to calibrate or tune your system? Has it been included in the commissioning timeplan? (Wird parasitäre oder dedizierte Strahlzeit für Kalibrationen und Einstellungen benötigt? Ist diese im Commissioning-Plan berücksichtigt?)
What makes us confident and happy 8 …The BSS (one-site radiation protection) are ready… (Which aspects of installation/commissioning are working well for your group?) (Wo gibt es Grund für Zuversicht und Zufriedenheit im Zusammenhang mit Installation und Inbetriebnahme?)
What makes us worry 9 Will people be disciplined enough with their dosimeters?... if not, they will have to walk back to get it every so often... (Where do you see the biggest problems or challenges for your group?) (Welches sind die grössten Sorgen oder Befürchtungen im Zusammenhang mit Installation und Inbetriebnahme?)
What we also wanted to mention… 10 Our response to demand is always proportional to the quality of the information and communication. The earlier we are informed, the better we serve... (Add anything here that you feel should be mentioned but does not fit anywhere else) (Zusätzliche Bemerkungen ausserhalb der explizit aufgelisteten Themen)
11 Wir schaffen Wissen – heute für morgen Acknowledgments … (No summary – this presentation is already a summary…)