WBS 1.05 Commissioning Detector Scope, Cost & Schedule Sven Vahsen University of Hawaii
Talk Outline WBS Element Scope Performance Requirements Cost Estimate Schedule Risk Summary Sven Vahsen, Belle II Directors Review (Pre CD-2/3) January 2013
Scope I: Objectives 1.Determine if dose rate safe for Belle II roll-in and later operation at design luminosity (Belle I: hole in beampipe and damage to silicon vertex detector) 2.Provide real-time measurements of luminosity and backgrounds (needed by SuperKEKB during beam commissioning) 3.Validate Belle II beam background simulation (Distinguish different beam background sources (Touschek, Radiative Bhabha, Beam-gas, Synchrotron) 4.System tests for Belle II (Beam abort system, moveable mask positions, pixel detector cooling, inner detector occupancies) Sven Vahsen, Belle II Directors Review (Pre CD-2/3) January 2013
Scope II: WBS Element Scope Lead design, simulation, DAQ integration (off-project) Construct support structure Prototype & construct PIN-diode radiation dose monitoring system Prototype & construct micro-TPC neutron monitoring system Perform acceptance tests at KEK WBS 1.5 Sven Vahsen, Belle II Directors Review (Pre CD-2/3) January 2013
Performance Requirements I Measurement of instantaneous and integrated radiation dose to ≤ 30% accuracy 64 PIN diodes with amplification circuits Sensitivity to synchrotron light shield half of PIN diodes with gold paint, rest unshielded Identification of fast neutrons & measurement of recoil direction (resolution ≤ 15 ◦ ) 8 micro- TPCs Rigid, non-magnetic mechanical support for all sub-detectors, with position accuracy ≤ 1 cm Sven Vahsen, Belle II Directors Review (Pre CD-2/3) January 2013
Performance Requirements II Pre-prototypes of both the PIN diode system and micro-TPCs have met and exceeded all Key Performance Parameters Documented in Technical Design Report More detail to follow in technical presentation January 2013Sven Vahsen, Belle II Directors Review (Pre CD-2/3)6
CD-1 Cost Estimate Only 3% of US project cost - but serves a critical role by protecting a large investment in Belle II January 2013Sven Vahsen, Belle II Directors Review (Pre CD-2/3)7
Cost Basis of Estimate Make up of cost estimate – 50% of estimate associated with labor, to finalize production specifications and construct TPCs, diode system, and support structure – Subcontract for TPC, diode system and support structure components and materials Maturity of the estimate – Engineering estimate based on prior experience on original Belle commissioning detector, CLEO dose monitor, and prototype costs for micro-TPCs for other R&D efforts – Pixel readout chip supply set aside at LBNL January 2013Sven Vahsen, Belle II Directors Review (Pre CD-2/3)8
Schedule Key drivers/constraints – Deliver PIN diodes, two prototype TPCs, mechanical structure, DAQ to support SuperKEKB accelerator turn-on in Jan 2015 (phase I) – Deliver 8 final TPCs for 2 nd SuperKEKB turn-on in Feb 2016 (phase II) – Demonstration of TPC prototypes before construction of 8 final TPCs – Availability of DOE FY14 funds for fabrication Prototyping Fabrication Acceptance Testing Design & Simulation Schedule shows calendar years January 2013Sven Vahsen, Belle II Directors Review (Pre CD-2/3)9
Major risks of WBS element 1.05 Initial elicitation completed prior to CD1 - all major risks mitigated: Reputation risk: commissioning detector fails to indicate dangerous rad environment and calorimeter is damaged – Mitigation: calorimeter not present during initial commissioning include multiple silicon diodes produce comprehensive documentation for commissioning detector procedures. Technical Risk: TPCs do not adequately detect neutrons. – Mitigation: testing of current prototype TPCs indicates ability to adequately detect neutrons in response to previous reviewer comments, supplemented TPCs with complementary thermal neutron detectors (He-3 tubes) (off project) Sven Vahsen, Belle II Directors Review (Pre CD-2/3) January 2013
Conclusion Scope of WBS 1.5 well understood – Specs validated by Technical Design Review – Similar to past commissioning at Belle and CLEO Costs are known and fit within funding profile – Costs defined by similar work – Fits funding profile Effective management structure in place – Clear reporting structure – Coordination with Belle II management – MOUs have been signed Project Ready for CD-2/3 Sven Vahsen, Belle II Directors Review (Pre CD-2/3) January 2013
BACKUP SLIDES Sven Vahsen, Belle II Directors Review (Pre CD-2/3) January 2013
Management LVL2 manager: Sven Vahsen – Reports to PNNL Project management (Asner, Fast) + Belle II technical coordinator (Ushiroda) – Also leader of Belle II Beam Background group KEK contacts: H. Nakayama (deputy leader of beam background group) + S. Tanaka (Inner detector integration leader) – Report to Belle II Technical Coordinator (Ushiroda) Meeting & Reporting Schedule – Bi-weekly EVO meeting with subsystem leads (& others) Diodes: David Cinabro (Wayne State) Simulation, TPCs: Sven Vahsen (Hawaii) Luminosity Monitor: Minzu Wang (NTU) Tracking Detectors: Carlos Marinas (Bonn) – Weekly phone meeting with US Belle II PI’s – Monthly report to US Belle II management at PNNL Sven Vahsen, Belle II Directors Review (Pre CD-2/3) January 2013
Latest Belle II / SuperKEKB Schedule Two commissioning phases Key dates: Phase I (No QCS, No Belle Detector): Jan 2015 Phase II (QCS, Belle, no VXD): Feb 2016 Phase III (QCS, Belle, VXD): October 2016 (This plan has changed repeatedly. Our mandate is to be ready for any commissioning scenario.) Sven Vahsen, Belle II Directors Review (Pre CD-2/3) January 2013