Company Profile Largest distribution company (DISCO) of WAPDA Area of operation: Sahiwal to Sadiqabad Bahawalnagar to Bahawalpur Tounsa Sharif to Rajanpur And Bordering with Sindh, Balochistan and NWFP map. Company’s Charter: Reliability, Quality and Safety of electric power supply to the consumers in its jurisdiction. Creation of the resources and engineering plans for additions, renovation and augmentation of the distribution system in order to achieve charter.
Vision To ensure convenient availability of high quality power in area of responsibility, in order to alleviate the poverty, improve quality of life and make the Industrial and Agriculture Sector competitive in the World Market. Mission Statement Ensure convenient availability of high quality electric power to the people at affordable price, retaining financial viability of the Company.
Systems in MEPCO These Systems are working in MEPCO in order to facilitate the processes and enhance the efficiency: Billing Payroll HRIS Financial system Inventory Management
Before HRIS: Traditional File Based System Previously manual record keeping. Accuracy of HR information was an issue. Information spread to different offices. Whenever some information was required it took many days to fetch the required information. Many files were to be searched when the managers want some report. Huge data storage space was required. Data security was an issue.
Problems with File Based System: Up-to-date personal and service record was not available When a case was initiated, the information had to be constructed from field offices. Information of Transfer/Posting dealt by field offices was not available Up-to-date information regarding vacancy position, Contract expiry dates of employees, Seniority & disciplinary cases was not available.
The Solution: “HRIS” In 2003, HRIS was designed and presented to user department. The system included features like input forms, output reports and online querying etc. Separate section (HR Data Cell) was proposed for HRIS. Software and information security was to be maintained by password protected user access. Administrator User Data Entry & Supervisory Users Manager Users
Development Tools For development Oracle 8/8i database has been selected to use with Oracle Developer as front end tool under Client/Server Architecture.
Hardware Requirement One latest server 07 client P-IV PCs 01 No. LQ-2180 printer 01 No. Laser printer 01 No. scanner
Network Requirements Client PCs would be connected to the server through the local area network. LAN will also connect to the MEPCO HQ LAN so that the managers may use this software.
Operating System/Software Platforms For Server: Windows 2000 Server Oracle Database Server Oracle Developer 8i For Client PCs: Windows 2000 Professional Oracle Developer Runtime
HR Requirement HR Data Cell under Manager (HR) Staff 1 AM (Administrator) 1 Supervisor 6 Data Entry Operators
Database Creation Employee Information Unique Employee Code Picture of employee Basic Information & Qualification Service Record (Promotion & Posting) Contract Status & Company Option Training & Promotion Exams Disciplinary Cases& ACR
Database Creation (cont…) Department Information Department Code Department Name Designation Code No of sanctioned posts
Coding of Employee and departments Each employee was given unique code in such a way that it identify the officer/official, permanent/ contract employee, technical/non-technical. Similarly, every department was given a unique code.
X X X XXXXX Serial No. Nature of Job Job Status Officer/ Official Coding of Employees
Coding of departments X XX X XX Sub Division/ RO Manager Office DivisionCompany
Inputs Forms Following input Performa's were designed for collection of data related to personal and service record of each employee and sanction strength of each department (category wise). HR Bio Data Input Proforma Sanction Strength Input Proforma of each department
Employee Placement of data at proforma Verification By Department Head HR Data Cell Database Management NO Yes Prints sent for proof reading Asks for reports Required reports are provided Bio-data Report
The User Interface of HRIS
User Authentication:
Search Employee
Sanctioned Strength
Disciplinary Cases
Outputs Reports Employee Bio Data Service Record Related Reports Vacancy Statement (formation wise) Contract Employee Reports (Contract Yet to Extend/Contract Period/Expiry Report) Transfer/Posting Reports Statistical Reports Age Limit wise Report Employee Left/Resign New Induction Statistics Employees (Domicile/Religion/BPS/formation/service period wise )
Data Flow Diagram of HRIS in MEPCO
Current Employees Current Employees Contract New Recruit Employee Entry Employee Entry Service Form Record Service Form Record Training & Promotion Training & Promotion ACRs Vacancy Statements Vacancy Statements Workforce Mgt Workforce Mgt Biodata Reports Biodata Reports Benefits Compensation Recruiting Workforce planning Workforce planning Sources Information Data
Operational Achievements: Employee bio-data Quick disposal of HR activities Better HR Management Better planning for the induction Planning of training programs In time processing of superannuation/contract extension/ regularization cases Monitoring of disciplinary cases Monitoring of performance through ACR Monitoring of Seniority Prompt Vacancy Statement processing
Future Enhancements Rules in computerized & searchable form. Payroll calculation Marriage grant cases processing HR Recruitment
Limitations: HRIS is LAN oriented software and accessibility through WAN is not available. Due to this limitation, following are the problems. Real time data entry/updation at other offices is not possible. Reports are not available to other offices.
Discussion Questions: Software capabilities should be enhanced from LAN to WAN so that real time operation and information can be shared all over the organization or not? Should the DISCO’s be moved forward for computerization for other department? Should the existing staff be given extensive IT training to increase the benefits of HRIS? Software module for Payroll and Pensions may be included or not?