Mike Riddle Mike Riddle


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Presentation transcript:

Mike Riddle Mike Riddle

3 Power Questions  How did life originate?  Where did the matter come from to create the Universe?  Where did dinosaurs come from?  How did life originate?  Where did the matter come from to create the Universe?  Where did dinosaurs come from?

The Origin of Life Did life evolve by natural processes? Did God create life? Did we come from Aliens?

The Origin of Life Chemical Evolution Biological Evolution

Evolution Over millions of years, in some primordial chemical soup, molecules bonded together to make a living cell. = = +

“For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him..” Colossians 1:16 God created all life

Atoms H H O Molecules Amino Acids Proteins

Miller Experiment Attempts to Create Life

Critical Thinking 1. Why did Miller use the gases he did (methane, ammonia and no oxygen)? 2. What type of amino acids did Miller get? 3. What were the real results?

Oxygen and Life Duane Gish. Ph.D. Biochemistry “An atmosphere containing free oxygen would be fatal to all origin of life schemes.” Duane Gish (Ph.D. Biochemistry), “A Few Reasons an Evolutionary Origin of Life Is Impossible”, Acts & Facts, 2007.

Oxygen and Early Earth Nature, Dec Dustin Trail (Ph.D. Geochemistry) E. Bruce Watson (Ph.D. Geochemistry, MIT) & Nicholas D. Tailby (Ph.D.), Nature, Dec “…Findings suggest that the early Earth's oxygen levels [4.4 billion years go] were very close to current levels [oxygen-based].”

No Oxygen and Life Ozone Crispy Critters

Water and Life

Three Major Problems - Pop Quiz Oxygen Absence of oxygen Water Problem Result Life cannot start

Amino Acids Hundreds of types of amino acids Only 20 are used in life

Origin of Life “A great deal of effort has been expended in finding theories for the origin of life without success.” Hubert Yockey (Ph.D. Physics), Information Theory, Evolution, and the Origin of Life, 2005, p. 188.

Origin of Life Conclusion “The origin of life is a big problem for materialists.” Jonathan Sarfati (Ph.D. Physical Chemistry) Jonathan Sarfati (Ph.D. Physical Chemistry), The Greatest Hoax on Earth, 2010, pg. 223.

Origin of Life “Dating the origin of life to a time of billions of years ago still doesn’t help explain how life could start from nonliving matter.” John Ashton (Ph.D. Chemistry and Professor of Biomedical Sciences), Evolution Impossible, 2012, p. 39.

Origin of Life “The origin of life is also a stubborn problem, with no solution in sight….” Franklin M. Harold, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Colo State U., The Way of the Cell, 2001, p. 235.

Origin of Life “The short answer is we don't really know how life originated on this planet. There have been a variety of experiments that tell us some possible roads, but we remain in substantial ignorance. “ Andrew Knoll (Ph.D. Geology, Harvard; Professor of Biology and Earth and Planetary Sciences), Andrew Knoll (Ph.D. Geology, Harvard; Professor of Biology and Earth and Planetary Sciences), ‘How Did life Begin”,

Facts and Evolution Did anyone observe the origin of life? Has it ever been repeated? Conclusion Chemical evolution is not a fact.

Cosmological Evolution Big Bang Where did the matter come from to create everything?

Common Explanations billion years ago a big bang, or explosion, occurred, … Science does not deal with this question. That is not a question you are allowed to ask in this class. A quantum fluctuation.

“[The big bang] represents the instantaneous suspension of physical laws, the sudden abrupt flash of lawlessness that allowed something to come out of nothing. It represents a true miracle…” Paul Davies, physicist and evolutionist, The Edge of Infinity, 1995 Where and how did matter and energy originate?

The Origin of Matter “The universe burst into something from absolutely nothing – zero, nada. And as it got bigger, it became filled with even more stuff that came from absolutely nowhere.” Discover, “Guth’s Grand Guess,” vol. 23, Apr 2002, p. 35.

Three Possible Origins  The universe created itself.  The universe has always existed.  The universe was created.  The universe created itself.  The universe has always existed.  The universe was created.

Option 1 Did the Universe Create Itself? What would be the cause? ex nihilo, nihil fit “from nothing, nothing comes” Where did the energy come from to create itself? Where did the space come from to “pop” into existence?

Three Possibilities 1. The Universe created itself 2. The Universe has always existed 3. The Universe was created 1. The Universe created itself 2. The Universe has always existed 3. The Universe was created

Option 2 Has the Universe Always Existed? If the Universe has always existed then it would be an infinite number of years old. 1. How long is an infinity? 2. What about the Second Law of Thermodynamics? Two Questions

Infinity Time without end Latin for boundless (without end) Unlimited extent of time Time without end Latin for boundless (without end) Unlimited extent of time

Second Law of Thermodynamics No Refills

New Car - Free After about 300 miles the car is out of fuel (energy) and can no longer move Small Print One Tank of gas - No refills Finite amount of energy (gas) Small Print One Tank of gas - No refills Finite amount of energy (gas) After about 300 miles the car is out of fuel (energy) and can no longer move.

Stars and Energy Finite amount of energy (hydrogen) Thermonuclear fusion Lighter to heaver elements H He C O Fe Lighter to heaver elements H He C O Fe

The Universe is constantly converting useful energy into less usable forms 10 Billion Years 10 Billion Years 100 Billion Years 100 Billion Years 100 Million Years 100 Million Years 1 Trillion Years No Stars

Star Formation and Physics The popular idea is that stars form from vast clouds of gas and dust through gravitational contraction. Gas and dust clouds will expand NOT contract Nebula

Conclusion The Universe cannot be infinite (no beginning) or it would be out of energy

The Origin of Matter “It is only fair to say that we still have a theory without a beginning.” Joseph Silk (Ph.D. Astronomy and Professor of Astronomy at the University of Oxford), The Big Bang, 2001, p. xv.

The Origin of Matter “…astronomers have not the slightest evidence for the supposed quantum production of the universe out of a primordial nothingness.” Sten Odenwald, (Ph.D. Astrophysics and Chief Scientist with Raytheon STX Corp at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), The Astronomy Café, 1998, p. 120.

Three Possibilities 1. The Universe created itself 2. The Universe has always existed 3. The Universe was created 1. The Universe created itself 2. The Universe has always existed 3. The Universe was created In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Facts and Evolution Did anyone observe the origin of the Universe? Has it ever been repeated? Conclusion Cosmological evolution is not a fact

Dinosaurs Asking the Right Question Where did the dinosaurs come from? What happened to the dinosaurs?

Origin of Dinosaurs? Dinosaurs evolved 220 million years ago The Standard Story

“Dinosaurs evolved from more primitive reptiles about 230 million years ago. Among the earliest-known dinosaurs was eoraptor from Argentina, a dog- sized meat-eater, 228 million years old.” How did the first dinosaur get on Earth? A web site for teachers Origin of Dinosaurs Eoraptor (theropod) No Answer

“Dinosaurs didn't spring suddenly into existence two hundred million years ago, huge, toothy, and hungry for grub. Like all living things, they evolved, slowly and gradually, from previously existing creatures--in this case, a family of primitive reptiles known as the archosaurs (‘ruling lizards’).” Look like reptiles

Lived 280 million years ago Extinct 230 million years ago About 11 feet long and 500 pounds Dimetrodon (pelycosaur) (Greek for "two measures of teeth") Look like Reptiles

Origin of Dinosaurs “If sauropods evolved, then why are there no fossil ‘pre-sauropods’ that have at least two, three, or four of the uniquely sauropod features…?” Frank Sherwin (M.A. Zoology) and Brian Thomas (M.A. Biotechnology), ICR Acts and Facts, Nov

Origin of Dinosaurs “The question of the origin of dinosaurs is one that has puzzled paleontologists for many years.” The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs, Dr. David Norman, 1985, p. 186.

Origin of Dinosaurs “Where did dinosaurs come from? That apparently simple question has been the subject of intense debate amongst scientists for over 150 years,…” The Natural History Museum Book of Dinosaurs, 1998, p. 12.

Origin of Dinosaurs “Tracing the origins of the earliest dinosaurs has been a major challenge for paleontologists because there are no uncontested fossils from their earliest days on Earth.” Michael Balter (MA Biology, Journalist), “Ping- sized Predator Rattles the Dinosaur Family Tree,” Science, 2011, p. 134.)

“…the discussion over where dinosaurs came from in the first place is often overlooked. Hypotheses of dinosaur origins have been just as controversial as those of triggers for the end- Cretaceous mass extinction…” Smithsonian.com, May /tracking-the-origin-of-dinosaurs/

Evolution and Evidence Thecodonts “Small lizards that ran on two legs and gave rise to the giant reptiles collectively known as the dinosaurs.” The Nature of Life, 1995 “Small lizards that ran on two legs and gave rise to the giant reptiles collectively known as the dinosaurs.” The Nature of Life, 1995 The Origin of Dinosaurs

Logical Deduction It is logical and reasonable to believe that God, not unknown events created the dinosaurs

Where did the dinosaurs come from? And God made the beast of the earth according to its kind, cattle according to its kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good…. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

The Real Facts  No one observed the origin of the Universe.  No one has observed a star or galaxy form.  No one observed life evolve from non-life.  No one has observed one creature evolve into a new creature.  No one has observed a mutation create new genetic information.  No fossil evidence for the origin of dinosaurs.  No one has observed millions of years.  No one observed the origin of the Universe.  No one has observed a star or galaxy form.  No one observed life evolve from non-life.  No one has observed one creature evolve into a new creature.  No one has observed a mutation create new genetic information.  No fossil evidence for the origin of dinosaurs.  No one has observed millions of years.

Creation Training Initiative Three Training Courses

5-Day Apologetics Teachers College When: August 1-6, 2016 Where: Lifeway Ridgecrest Conference Center, Ridgecrest, NC Who: 60 students (pastors, youth leaders, school teachers, parents)

The Education Project  One of the most ambitious and exciting Christian education endeavors in decades. A teacher in every Bible believing church and Christian school who can teach biblical creation and apologetics.  A 4-Year Project to Build Minds to Think Biblically.

Building an “Army” of Christian Educators For more information