Current issues for CCPS: update Annie Gunner Logan CCPS Director
Health and social care integration Participation in consultation/discussion event for third and independent sectors, hosted by Scottish Government Follow-up plenary event on 6 October Invited onto Scottish Government Health and Care Delivery Group Input into ADSW position statement Meeting on 3 October with LTCAS, VHS, VAS and SCVO to explore common third sector policy position Announcement expected…?
Regulation of care Invitation to join new SCSWIS group on children’s services inspection methodology Written and oral evidence given to Health and Sport Committee inquiry into regulation of care – key points: Need for scrutiny of commissioning, procurement and other LA processes, not just service delivery Explore potential for licensing providers Need to examine and challenge business models, pricing strategies and pricing caps
Commissioning and procurement Working with IRISS on ‘commissioning for outcomes’ project Input to Audit Scotland performance audit of social care commissioning (and membership of advisory group) Several authorities gearing up to start another round of re-tendering, although others have found alternatives Work with Scotland Excel on framework agreement for Individual Service Funds, and on National Contract for Residential Child Care
Budget issues Spending review announcement next week: members briefing, potential MSP briefings and related activity Meeting with COSLA Health and Wellbeing Executive Group to discuss impact on care and support budgets (tbc) Next provider optimism survey (get ready) T&C report still being disseminated: event with STUC and others being planned
Personalisation Providers & Personalisation Programme Manager appointed: Dee Fraser Programme launch on 28 October 2011 SDS Bill now announced for 2012 Continuing input to SDS strategy
Coming up… Outcomes: follow-up to briefing/event/survey – supporting providers to measure and demonstrate outcomes Collaboration and merger: key messages and research Managing reduced budgets Further development of committee on care and support for children and young people Information and briefings on legal issues in care Appointment of Nancy Fancott, Policy & Development Officer