Basic Rotation Defense LF MF RF/S LB RB/S MB S LF MF RB/S LB MB MF S LF LB MB RB Base Positions When ball is on opponents side of net. Team is ready to pick up over passes or transition to one of 5 defensive sets. Free Ball Setter releases Hitters drop off net to pass LB and MB cover deep balls and should take 90% of first balls Down Ball MF call down ball and blocks Setter releases LF drops off net for short shot LB, MB and RF or RB pass Hitter MF RF LF RB LB MB LF MF RF LB RB MB LF MF RF LB RB MB Left Side Attack MF and RF Block LF and RB pick up tips LB takes hard shots MB has down the line Note: Can move LB deeper Into back corning if hits are high lobs over net to back corner. Middle Attack MF and LF Block LB and RF off net for tips MB slides to left for hard shot RB drops deep for hard shot Right Side Attack MF and LF Block RF and LB pick up tips RB takes hard shots MB has down the line Note: Can move RB deeper into back corner if hits are high lobs over block to back corner.
4-2 Serve Receive Rotations 1 2 3 L1 S1 M2 M1 S2 L2 M1 L1 S1 S2 L2 M2 S2 M1 L1 L2 M2 S2 Serve Receive Line Up S1 M2 L1 L2 M1 S2 M1 S1 L1 M2 S2 L2 S2 M1 L1 S2 L2 M2 Rotations 4, 5 and 6 basically mimic 1, 2, 3
6-3 Serve Receive Rotations 1 2 To the right is our serve receive and base Line ups. The rotation is the basic line up that we put on the court. When the other team is serving they will be in serve receive. Once the ball goes over the net they go To base. H1 S1 H3 S2 H2 S3 S2 H1 S1 H2 S3 H3 Rotation S1 H1 H3 H2 S2 S3 S1 S2 H1 H2 S3 H3 Serve Receive Line Up Rotations 3 and 5 basically mimic 1 Rotations 4 and 6 basically mimic 2
5-1 Serve Receive Rotations 2 3 L1 S1 M2 M1 RS L2 M1 L1 S1 RS L2 M2 RS M1 L1 L2 M2 S1 Serve Receive Line Up S1 M2 L1 L2 M1 RS M1 S1 L1 M2 RS L2 M1 RS L1 S1 L2 M2
5-1 Serve Receive Rotations 4 5 6 L2 RS M1 M2 S1 L1 M2 L2 RS S1 L1 M1 S1 M2 L2 L1 M1 RS Serve Receive Line Up RS S1 L2 M1 M2 L1 M2 S1 L2 RS L1 M1 S1 M2 L2 RS L1 M1