Land Navigation by Map & Compass Unit 10 & Unit 35 Miss Rowsell
Aim and Purpose Acquire knowledge in relation to land navigation with map, compass and route card, demonstrating these skills practically, in a safe manner. Learning Outcomes: Know how to read a map accurately Know how to use a compass Be able to develop route planning skills Be able to undertake a route safely
1. Map reading Ordnance Survey maps Conventional signs Contours Grid references Orienting map to ground Relating ground to map Understanding scale Calculation of time & distance Planning a route with a map
2. Compass Work Compass points Features Use and care Taking bearings from a map Magnetic bearings & variation Mils and degrees Direction without a compass Night use & poor visibility
3. Route Planning Route card details: Group Day, date, times Route legs Grid references Height & distance Rest stops & timings Group capabilities Weather information Escape routes Effects of gradient Types of terrain
4. Undertake a Route Route travelling: Safety issues, consent forms, risk assessments, equipment, clothing/footwear, carrying kit, fitness, teamwork, communication, leading, decision & problem solving, navigating Environmental issues: Access laws, CRoW Act 2000, Countryside Code, impact on environment Review: Strengths (individual & group), areas for improvement, future planning
Assignment Task 1 The use of map and compass for land navigation You are required to produce a poster to demonstrate how maps are read for a new recruit. Produce a follow-up poster to demonstrate how to read a compass effectively. Assessment Method: Two posters submitted Personal report (self- assessment) on map reading and compass use Teacher observation record for practical demonstration P1, P2, M1, M2, D1
Assignment Task 2 Effective use of a route card for a planned journey Complete a detailed route card covering the unit content for learning outcome 3. Undertake the journey using the route card, map and compass. Assessment Method: Completed route card Photo report of route P3, P4, P5
Assignment Task 3 Route planning review and recommendations Review your choice of route during the planning and participation stages. Make recommendations for future route planning exercises. Assessment Methods: Presentation of your route card and expedition Personal report on route planning exercise M3, D2
Links Duke of Edinburgh Award Ordnance Survey - https://www.ordnancesur research/teaching- resources/ British Army - /documents/general/Nav igation_jun11.pdf